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As 2019 comes to a close, CHBA BC would like to wish its members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide the readers of CHBA BC's Provincial Update a look at the most accessed articles from the year. Our regular publication will resume Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020. |
CHBA BC was at the B.C. Budget lockup on Tuesday, February 19, in Victoria.
After last year's 30-point housing plan, there are no major changes for the housing file and in particular no new demand-side measures. “Demand-side policies from all levels of government have created an uncertain environment for home builders and home buyers. The focus for 2019 should be on evaluating the effectiveness of policies that are already in place and making necessary adjustments to ensure the needed housing supply will be built in B.C.,” says CHBA BC CEO Neil Moody. “We must also ensure market housing ownership is prominent in the larger plan as it is a key element of the housing continuum that can’t be overlooked.”
Additional funding ($41 million) was announced for EfficiencyBC as part of the CleanBC larger plan. Homeowners can access up to $14,000 in incentives for energy retrofits. CHBA BC has requested these types of retrofit incentives for many years because it has a direct impact on provincial climate change goals and the underground economy.
Read CHBA BC's budget news release here. For a backgrounder on all changes related to housing in the budget, click here.
Building and Safety Standards Branch
These changes will be effective December 12, 2019, and apply to building permits applied for on or after this date.
The online BC Building Code 2018 will be updated to reflect the Revision 2 changes. Customers with binder copies of the BC Building Code will be able to print the updated code sections online at shortly.
The Building and Safety Standards Branch will publish technical bulletins about the code changes on the website in the coming weeks. In the meantime, a description of the amendments and the rationale for the changes is available on the public review web page.
CBC News
The tax, which targets homes in the most populated areas of B.C. that are not declared as a primary residence, or rented out for at least three months, has been paid by 11,783 property owners, covering 9,386 properties.
CHBA BC issued a statement following the release of the anti-money laundering reports and public inquiry announcement.
In the past few months both CHBA BC and CHBA National met with and provided support to Dr. Peter German and the Expert Panel on Money Laundering. We are pleased that CHBA BC’s written submission was positively referenced by Dr. German in his report, where he notes “CHBA BC provided some very helpful ideas with respect to dealing with the underground economy and other matters.”
CHBA BC intends to share these ideas as part of its submission to the provincial Budget 2020 consultations.
The Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN, formerly GVHBA) Ovation Award winners were revealed to the more than 450 guests attending the Gala on Saturday, May 4th at the JW Marriott Parq, Vancouver. Special guests included the Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Selina Robinson, and BC Housing's VP and Registrar Wendy Acheson.
CHBA National
This leadership summit is being held at Harrison Hot Springs in beautiful British Columbia.
CHBA takes a leadership role in helping early adopters overcome barriers and voluntarily build to higher levels of energy performance.
Network with industry leaders, learn what’s next, and secure your seat at the most outstanding table in the national Net Zero community.
Early Bird Pricing
November 18 - December 18
CHBA Members: $950
Non-CHBA Members: $1150
Regular Pricing
After December 18
CHBA Members: $1250
Non-CHBA Members: $1550
Registration Opens November 18
We submitted feedback to the CleanBC Plastics Action Plan. You can find the full submission here.
CHBA BC submitted our concerns and the challenges expressed by the residential construction industry in regards to EESR within CleanBC. We believe strongly that affordability and evidence-based decisions must be a key objective when regulation changes are considered.
CHBA held its National Fall 2019 Meetings last week in Ottawa to discuss and collaborate amongst all three levels of membership, local, provincial and national.
CHBA BC was proud to have members at both the local and provincial levels, such as CHBA BC CEO, Neil Moody, president Brian Charlton, first vice president Joe Hart and executive board members, represented at these meetings to ensure that our regional considerations are taken into account.
CHBA National
CHBA was honoured to have both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Official Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer speak on Thursday May 9 and Friday May 10 respectively at the 76th National Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Both speeches were followed by a live question and answer session with National CEO Kevin Lee and members of the CHBA National executive.
The Prime Minister's remarks were broadcast live on CPAC. Click to view the live recording.
To view the live video from Andrew Scheer's speech, click here.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8