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Dear John,

I hope you will forgive this one last request from me in 2019 – our work to support survivors and prevent violence from happening is entirely dependent on contributions from partners and supporters like you.

In this season of celebration and reflection, I ask you to make a gift in honor of a survivor of violence, or to remember a loved one. Your gift will be doubled by generous supporters between now and December 31.

Your gift also will be a lifeline to survivors like June, whose name is changed here to protect her identity. June was abused in her marriage for more than 20 years in every way possible—financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual isolation. Until one day, she summoned the courage to leave her abuser, even at the cost of leaving her home.

Taking just a small bag of clothes, she lived in her jeep in a forest outside her town in the Pacific Northwest for months, until she found a job at a nearby organization where she was able to use the showers before work and do her laundry. With support and counseling from a local agency, she was able to find a new apartment, renew her sense of personal safety and rebuild her life.

Today, she is an advocate for other survivors, as they begin their courageous journeys to healing. This is the kind of work that Futures Without Violence makes possible.

Change of this magnitude takes more than courage and help from our friends – it also takes resources.

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Your gift will support healing for survivors like June, many of whom pay forward the support they receive by helping others. Thank you for making their work – and ours – possible. 

With courage and gratitude,

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Esta Soler

Founder and President

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