Friend, The air, water and the health of our communities in this country are protected by an environmental law you probably haven't heard of: the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).1 And now, the oil and gas industry is quietly working to gut it.2 Tell your U.S. House representative: Don't allow oil and gas companies to weaken one of our nation's bedrock environmental laws. In its simplest form, NEPA requires that companies assess the damages that a project like mining, oil drilling or pipeline construction could cause before breaking ground -- to look before they leap, in other words.3 And for 50 years, this law has quietly helped mitigate the potential risks that these kinds of projects could have on our health and the environment while also giving the public the opportunity to weigh in on the projects up for consideration.4 But now, efforts are underway in Congress to weaken this bedrock environmental law. The fossil fuel industry is looking to speed up the process of developing new infrastructure -- and it will be able to do so if it can skip (or significantly shorten) the environmental review process that's mandated in NEPA.5 NEPA makes it significantly more difficult for permitters to turn a blind eye to the harmful consequences of continued fossil fuel use. Call on your House representative today to protect this critically important environmental law. It's hard to imagine that we could allow for destructive, polluting and dangerous projects such as oil pipelines to be easily approved without fully considering the damage they could cause to our health or climate. That would be disastrous. Weakening NEPA would strip our government of its ability to look before it leaps -- and your ability to weigh in. Urge your representative today to uphold this critical environmental law. Thank you, Faye Park | |
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