Elissa's final debate with her opponent aired last night on Channel 6 in Lansing. This debate made clear her opponent’s position on a number of key issues and foreshadowed how he would vote on those issues as a member of Congress.
You can click below to read a full recap from the Detroit News.
The most remarkable moment of the night was Elissa’s opponent’s admission that he continues to oppose gay marriage. When asked if he accepted gay marriage, he said “I’m not someone who favors that.” He went on to say that he supported the 2004 Michigan ballot measure that banned gay marriage in the state. He voiced opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the ruling that legalized gay marriage across the country.
Ultimately, the theme of this final debate is that Elissa’s opponent is looking to turn back the clock for Michiganders – chip in below to help us make sure that doesn’t happen.
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