Friend, this has been a tumultuous year for democracy. But throughout it all, one message has rung out loud and clear -- when we mobilize, We the People have an enormous amount of power.
Together, we held our elected representatives to their constitutional duty of holding the president accountable, all the way to impeachment. Together, we passed the vital voting rights, money in politics, and redistricting solutions in the For the People Act (H.R. 1) through the House with unanimous Democratic support. And together, we demonstrated that most Americans still believe in a democracy where everyone -- no matter our color, income, education, or where we come from -- has a voice.
But we can’t afford to rest -- our work simply must continue. It falls to each and every one of us to take a stand as the country prepares for an impeachment trial, state legislative sessions, and the all-important 2020 elections.
So please, before Dec. 31st, make your special Year-End Contribution to help ensure that we're ready for an unprecedented election -- and can make an unprecedented impact in 2020.
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Throughout American history, some of our greatest challenges have been followed by our greatest triumphs. So even though I’m worried about the future of our democracy -- and I’m sure you are, too -- I’m even more hopeful about what the future will bring, if we stand up and work together for what we believe in.
The Trump presidency has magnified problems that we already knew existed: special interests shutting out regular Americans... racist voter suppression denying people their basic right to the ballot... and politicians who put their self-interest before their duty to serve the voters who elected them.
BUT… these mean-spirited and greedy actions have also motivated millions -- literally millions -- of us to speak out like never before. So, the most important lesson I’m taking from the year now ending is that the power you and I have to make a difference is real, effective, and here to stay.
I know we are on the cusp of another great wave of reform. There is a renewed democracy movement growing in America, gaining speed and power at the grassroots level. And you and I are a critical part of it.
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to chip in with your support, now is that time. Before December 31st, please make your Year-End Contribution to Common Cause.
Standing together, you and I can live up to the challenge of this moment. And together, we will defend our democracy and prevail.
Robert Reich, Board Chair Emeritus
and the team at Common Cause
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