
Hi , it’s Al Gross — former candidate for U.S. Senate and House and a lifelong Alaskan. I’m reaching out on behalf of Build Alaska’s Future Action Fund to say this:

Two of the most consequential elections in the country are happening in Alaska in just 32 days: U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola’s race for Congress and Senator Lisa Murkowski’s race for Senate.

Will you donate $25 to help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by midnight tonight to help elect Mary Peltola and Lisa Murkowski?

Recent polling has shown Sen. Lisa Murkowksi is virtually tied with her extremist opponent Kelly Tshibaka in the race for Senate. Sen. Murkowksi has been a tireless advocate for federal funding for Alaska, and is one of only two Senate Republicans who support abortion rights. She is a vital bipartisan voice who puts people over party, and we cannot afford to lose her in the Senate.

Mary Peltola is the first Democrat Alaska has elected to Congress in over 50 years, and her opponent, Sarah Palin, is a major opponent of choice and the infrastructure funding Joe Biden and Democrats have secured for Alaska.

We cannot elect extremists who will put their radical partisanship ahead of the future of Alaska.

Our organization fights to ensure that Alaskans receive our share of the federal funding, and electing Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola is an essential part of that.

If you’re ready to support our mission, will you make a donation of $25 so we can reach our one-day $10,000 fundraising goal?


Thank you,

Al Gross