Dear John,
The Biden Administration's "Inflation Reduction Act" hasn't reduced inflation, but it has grown the federal bureaucracy and cost the taxpayers billion of dollars. I introduced legislation with leaders on the Ways and Means Committee to strip the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) of "enforcement" funding from the $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act and protect taxpayers in Orange County and across the country.
I also introduced legislation to designate this week as National Student Athlete Mental Health Week. Nearly 30% of student athletes suffer from an anxiety disorder, and spreading awareness of this problem is an important step in ensuring that our students have the access to mental health care they need.
Finally, I've been meeting with veterans service organizations, community service groups, and first responders in our district to learn more about and honor their efforts to make Orange County the best place to live, work, and raise a family. I'm so proud to represent this community in Congress, and I am constantly inspired by the ways our friends and neighbors are giving back. Learn more below!
Fighting for Orange County Taxpayers
The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ certainly hasn’t reduced inflation, but it has cost taxpayers more than $700 billion and doubled the size of the I.R.S. to target middle- and low-income families and small businesses with a flood of audits and draconian ‘enforcement’ activities. Meanwhile, the I.R.S. has lost tens of billions of dollars to fraud and mismanagement.
That's why, I teamed up with Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE), Republican Leader of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, to introduce a bill to prevent the I.R.S. from using its massive, $80 billion infusion of taxpayer dollars to squeeze more revenue out of American taxpayers, by repealing all enforcement funding from Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act. The bill leaves in place funding enhancing the IRS’s customer service and information technology systems.
As a lifelong tax fighter, I’m proud to introduce this legislation with Rep. Smith to protect the taxpayers, rein in an unaccountable federal agency, and reverse course from this dangerous path of growing bureaucracy and heavy-handed federal government.
I joined Rep. Young Kim at Tara's Chance’s “Riding with the Stars” event, where we witnessed the therapeutic benefits horses offer children with special needs. It was so special to see the smiles on the children’s faces. Thank you to Tara’s Chance for all you are doing to serve our community!
I was honored to be a part of Westminster Fire Division Chief Ron Robert’s retirement ceremony commemorating his more than 41 years of service to our community. On behalf of all of Orange County, thank you for your service, Ron!
Student Athlete Mental Health Week
There is a mental health crisis in our country, and it's impacting our students. More than eight million students participate in high school or college athletics. In 2021, the NCAA conducted a survey that found that less than half of those surveyed would feel comfortable seeking mental health support from a provider on campus. As our nation faces a worsening mental health crisis, everyone, including our students, should be able to access high-quality, affordable mental health care.
That's why I am proud to join Reps. Jerry Carl (R-AL) and David Trone (D-MD) to introduce a resolution recognizing October 2-8 as National Student Athlete Mental Health Week. The week culminates with World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2022.
The resolution encourages colleges and universities and their athletic departments to highlight mental health resources and best practices for their student-athlete populations. Raising awareness about this issue is a critical step in ensuring our students get the support they need, and I'm proud to be a cosponsor of this resolution to do just that.
Apply for the 2022 Congressional App Challenge
My office is now accepting submissions for the Congressional App Challenge (CAC). The CAC is a great way for middle and high school students from across the country to explore and improve their computer-based skills by creating original apps. This competition encourages computer science and innovation skills and offers an opportunity for students to explore potential careers in the STEM field.
Each winning app may be put on display in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year and will be featured on the House of Representatives website. Winning students are also invited to the #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington D.C.
The CAC is open to 6th - 12th grade students residing in or attending school in California’s 48th District. Teachers and/or students should verify their eligibility with our office by calling (714) 960-6483.
I was pleased to recognize the MCAS El Toro Detachment 017 of the Marine Corps League, and the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP), as the September and October Non-Profits of the Month.
MCAS El Toro Detachment 017 is working to support service members, their families, and veterans throughout Orange County. VAREP is working to provide education on housing resources like VA home loans and financial literacy to our military service members and veterans.
We can all be proud of what these groups are doing to do to help our Orange County veterans and military families, and I was proud to recognize them for their contributions to our community
UN Human Rights Council rejects motion to hold debate on ...
The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday rejected a Western-led motion to hold a debate on China's alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang after a UN report concluded the Chinese government's actions against the Uyghurs and other ethnic...
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US emergency oil supply shrinks to 40-year low as Biden...
President Biden is once again tapping into the country's emergency stockpile of oil as the White House tries to prevent gasoline prices from spiking again, reducing the petroleum reserve to its lowest level in four decades. The nation's Strategic ...
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Rep. Michelle Steel
Member of Congress