Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is in the news often
because of her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her
support for a terrorist front group. But far-left views are not our
concern at this moment – her alleged criminal behavior is.
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Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is in the news often
because of her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views
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including her support for a terrorist front group
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But far-left views are not our concern at this moment – her alleged
criminal behavior is.
Earlier this week, we hand-delivered an ethics complaint
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David Skaggs, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of
Congressional Ethics, calling for a full investigation into potential
crimes tied to allegations that Omar may have married her biological
“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law
and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently
investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep.
Omar,” we said. “We encourage Americans to share their views on
Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.”
Here is our full complaint:
Dear Chairman Skaggs,
Judicial Watch is a non-profit, non-partisan educational foundation,
promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in government
and fidelity to the rule of law. We regularly monitor congressional
ethics issues as part of our anti-corruption mission.
This letter serves as an official complaint with the Office of
Congressional Ethics (OCE).
Substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence has been
uncovered that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have committed the following crimes
in violation of both federal law and Minnesota state law: perjury,
immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and
federal student loan fraud.
Such violations would also breach the Code of Ethics for Government
Service, to which all federal officeholders are subject, “Any person
in Government service should uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal
regulations of the United States and all governments therein and never
be a party to their evasion.”) Rep. Omar actions in this suspected
immigration fraud, marriage fraud, perjurious statements on her
Minnesota divorce filings, and falsifications on her tax returns,
merit your immediate investigation.
In the words of investigative reporter David Steinberg: “The facts
describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct
committed by a House member in American history.”
The evidence developed against Rep. Omar was the result of
a three-year-long investigation
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both the United States and the United Kingdom by Mr. Steinberg and his
investigative reporter colleagues Preya Samsundar and Scott Johnson.
It is supported by information gathered from public records, social
media postings, genealogy databases, computer forensic analysis,
unaltered digital photographs, discussions between the investigative
reporters and the subjects of the investigation themselves, and
information supplied by confidential sources within the
Somali-American community.
Documented-based reporting by Steinberg, et al. has developed the
following information: Rep. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, a citizen of the
United States, married her biological brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a
citizen of the United Kingdom, in 2009, presumably as part of an
immigration fraud scheme. The couple legally divorced in 2017. In the
course of that divorce, Ms. Omar submitted an “Application for an
Order for Service by Alternate Means” to the State of Minnesota on
August 2, 2017 and claimed, among other things, that she had had no
contact with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi after June 2011. She also claimed
that she did not know where to find him. The evidence developed by Mr.
Steinberg and his colleagues demonstrates with a high degree of
certainty that Ms. Omar not only had contact with Mr. Elmi, but
actually met up with him in London in 2015, which is supported by
photographic evidence. Ms. Omar signed the “Application for an Order
for Service by Alternate Means” under penalty of perjury. The very
document that Ilham Omar signed on August 2, 2017 bears the following
notation directly above her signature: “I declare under penalty of
perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and
correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116.”
Of particular importance are archived photographs taken during a
widely reported trip by Ilhan Omar to London in 2015, posted to her
own Instagram account under her nickname “hameey”, in which she
poses with her husband/presumed brother, Ahmed Elmi.
These photographs from 2015 are documentary evidence that in fact she
met up with Mr. Elmi after June 2011 and before the date she signed
the divorce document in August 2017, thereby calling into question the
veracity of her claim that she had not seen Mr. Elmi since June 2011.
Rep. Omar’s potential crimes far exceed perjurious statements made
in a Minnesota court filing.
Rep. Omar’s conduct may include immigration fraud. It appears that
Rep. Omar married her brother in order to assist his emigration to the
United States from the United Kingdom. The same immigration fraud
scheme may have aided Mr. Elmi in obtaining federally-backed student
loans for his attendance at North Dakota State University. Mr. Elmi
and Rep. Omar simultaneously attended North Dakota State University
and may have derived illicit benefits predicated on the immigration
fraud scheme.
The State of Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
has already determined that Rep. Omar violated state campaign finance
laws for improper use of campaign funds. She was forced to reimburse
her campaign thousands of dollars. More significantly, the Board
discovered that the federal tax returns submitted by Rep. Omar for
2014 and 2015 were filed as “joint” tax returns with a man who was
not her husband, named Ahmed Hirsi, while she was actually married to
Ahmed Elmi.
Under federal law, specifically, 26 U.S. Code & 7206.1, “Any person
who willfully makes and subscribes any return, statement, or other
document, which contains or is verified by a written declaration that
it is made under the penalties of perjury, and which he does not
believe to be true and correct as to every material matter … shall
be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not
more than $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation), or
imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both, together with the costs of
Rep. Omar’s federal tax returns must be examined to determine
whether any additional falsifications were made.
Mr. Steinberg, _et al._ have engaged in meticulous research and
reporting over a period of years. They have demonstrated with a high
degree of probability that Rep. Ilhan Omar has violated House Ethics
Rules, federal and state laws.
We call upon the Office of Congressional Ethics to launch an
investigation into Rep. Omar’s conduct immediately.
Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch
I discussed this complaint in several radio interviews, which you can
listen to here
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The House ethics process will not move in this instance, I suspect,
unless pushed. I encourage to share your views on Rep. Omar with your
congressman. You can reach the House at 202-224-3121. More contact
information is available on the House web site here:
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Did you watch former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s embarrassing
performance this week?
The corruptly formed and constitutionally abusive Mueller
investigation failed to find any evidence to support the big lie of
Trump-Russia collusion.
Nonetheless, Mr. Muller attempted to smear President Trump yet again
with obstruction of justice innuendo despite concluding that no such
charges could be credibly sustained. Mueller never had a valid basis
upon which to investigate President Trump for obstruction of justice.
Let’s be clear: Neither Mueller, the Obama FBI, DOJ, CIA, State
Department, nor the Deep State ever had a good-faith basis to pursue
President Trump on Russia collusion. Russia collusion wasn’t just a
hoax, it was a criminal abuse of President Trump, which is why we has
fought and will continue to fight for documents on Russiagate and
Mueller special counsel abuse in federal court.
While we are focused on Deep State players in the Justice Department
and FBI who have used their offices to cripple President Trump, other
Deep Staters are alive and well in the State Department and busy
sabotaging the president’s efforts to protect our borders. Our
_Corruption Chronicles_ blog reports.
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The sabotage of President Donald Trump’s deal with Guatemala to
alleviate the illegal immigration crisis is part of a broader problem
involving pervasive corruption in the Central American nation and
embedded leftists in the U.S. State Department’s Western Hemisphere
Division. With a compromised electoral system and a presidential
election looming in Guatemala, the impoverished nation of about 16
million could easily slide into the Cuban or Venezuelan camp of failed
socialist countries. Socialist Sandra Torres, a former Guatemalan
first lady and radical leftist guerrilla, could become the country’s
next president.
Why should Americans be concerned? Because Guatemala is essentially
the United States’ southern border, given Mexico’s status as a
failed narco-state with its first leftist president (Andrés Manuel
López Obrador) in decades. Torres will run off against conservative
Alejandro Giammattei in August and if she wins, many believe her
leftist administration will sink the country back into civil war. That
will likely translate into more illegal immigrants heading north, even
though hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans have already been
apprehended at the U.S. border since outgoing President Jimmy Morales,
a conservative populist, took power in 2016. Before Morales’s
victory marked a renewal of conservatism and pro U.S.-sentiment in the
country, Guatemala rejected a resurgence of leftwing leaders
throughout Latin America by electing former General Otto Pérez Molina
to the presidency. Guatemalans apparently learned a lesson after
electing their first leftwing president in half a century in 2007,
Álvaro Colom, whose tenure was plagued by rampant corruption.
A recent poll conducted by Gallup Latinoamerica shows that Giammattei,
a medical doctor who ran Guatemala’s prison system, leads
Torres 40.6% to 33.4%
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government officials and other activists in Guatemala tell Judicial
Watch the country’s electoral system is totally compromised and
extremely vulnerable to fraud. They worry that a rigged Torres
victory, with the support of U.S. Ambassador Luis E. Arreaga
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will be
disastrous for the country. Arreaga’s predecessor, Obama appointee
Todd Robinson, also colluded with leftist forces—including a key
figure for the violent Marxist guerrilla known as the Fuerzas Armadas
Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)— to illegally promote changes to
the Guatemalan constitution.
Little has changed since the Trump administration replaced Robinson
with Arreaga, according to knowledgeable sources in Guatemala’s
private and public sector. Arreaga was called to Washington, D.C
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in the
aftermath of the failed third country asylum debacle, according to
Guatemalan media, but no further details have been made available.
High-level government sources in the country say Arreaga is a leftist
who is doing everything possible to subvert and sabotage the Trump
administration’s efforts to collaborate with the country in several
key areas. Most important among them is immigration.
This week Trump was scheduled to meet Morales in Washington to sign an
agreement making Guatemala a buffer zone by temporarily absorbing
illegal immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. Guatemala’s
Constitutional Court reportedly blocked Morales from going through
with the deal, but other forces were at play behind the scenes. A top
Guatemalan government source said the U.S. State Department
collaborated with local leftist groups to kill the planned safe
country asylum deal between Trump and Morales. Judicial Watch has
filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
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the State Department seeking all records related to the planned
meeting between Trump and Morales as well as information involving the
proposed safe third country agreement.
In the last year Judicial Watch has exposed the U.S. government’s
outrageous financial and political support of leftist forces in
Guatemala. Specifically, the government uses taxpayer dollars to back
leftwing billionaire George Soros’ radical globalist agenda in the
Central American nation. In a special investigative report
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Watch provides in detail the connection between U.S.-funded entities
and Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) to further the Hungarian
philanthropist’s efforts in Guatemala. The goal is to advance a
radical globalist agenda through “lawfare” and political
subversion, the report shows. The American taxpayer dollars flow
through the U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), which
works closely with the State Department and receives foreign policy
guidance from the agency and Secretary of State.
Until next week …
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
Daywatch Updates
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Tom Fitton: El Paso Region is ‘Freeway’ for Drug/Human
Trafficking & Terrorism
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February 11, 2019- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs
Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss a ‘sophisticated
narco-terror network’ in El Paso, TX.
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Tom Fitton: Robert Mueller is Being Protected by Rod Rosenstein
over Trump/Russia Probe
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October 23, 2018 – JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Daily
Ledger” on One America News Network to discuss the Mueller Probe and
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s closed congressional
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