Try Guys Try Monogamy, Breakup Videos, and Expanding Social Security. 

Well, mostly they’re just trying to get on without Ned, (if you don’t know him, just know that he probably hit on you at a NYC nightclub) but same difference. 

The Democrats, on the other hand, are all about trying to expand Social Security. While Republicans want to change Social Security so that Congress has to approve it each year, Democratic lawmakers are proposing a solution that will expand benefits to all beneficiaries in order to match the higher cost of living. 

You might think that it’s weird that the mid-20s writers of this newsletter care about Social Security, but may we remind you that Social Security is very popular with old people and old people vote. And guess what y’all? Voters strongly back Democrats’ plans to protect and expand Social Security vs. Republicans’ plan of letting Grandma go without heat or insulin.

Our latest poll finds that after learning about the different plans for Social Security — that Republicans want to change Social Security and Democrats want to expand benefits — 57% of voters say they would vote for the Democratic candidate if the election were held today, while 33% say they would vote for the Republican candidate. 


Sure seems like more voters should be hearing about Republican’s repeated attacks on Social Security. Might just be us though. Read our new poll here — and check out DFP’s podcast episode on Social Security to hear our Comms Director and Political Director rant and rave about how important this is here


Here are some other highlights from DFP this week: 

Speaking of our Comms Director and Political Director ranting and raving…

If you’re into political messaging (and honestly, who isn’t!?!), check out our podcast On Offense! In the bi-weekly podcast, DFP’s Political Director Marcela and Communications Director McKenzie break down our weekly message testing on a variety of topics.

Here are some of our recent episodes on the best ways to talk about the crucial issues that are on the line during the midterms

Ahead of November, it’s critical that Democrats are talking about the issues that matter most in the most persuasive way possible. That’s why we think these insights are so valuable – and why we hope you’ll check it out and give us a listen, rating and review wherever you get your podcasts.

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DFP In The News 

USA Today: 'Right these wrongs': Inside Biden's history-making moves on marijuana

USA Today: Maggie Hassan leads Republican Don Bolduc in New Hampshire's U.S. Senate race, poll finds

The Hill: Is American support for Ukraine on borrowed time?

The Hill: Here are the upcoming Senate debates in key races

Yahoo Finance: Even more companies that pledged not to give to 'sedition caucus' have reversed course

Crooked Media’s The Wilderness: Chapter 4: Gen-Z Voters in Orange County

The Daily Beast:  Why Biden’s Marijuana Move Is a Midterm ‘No Brainer’

Vox: 3 questions that will determine the future of Ukraine’s fight against Russia

Grid News: Democrats and Republicans make millions trading stock in companies Congress oversees. Why can’t they ban it?

The Hill: ‘Candidate quality issues’ aside, Republicans have a real shot at the Senate

The New Republic: A Cornered Putin Is Capable of Anything

HuffPost: Marijuana Reform Is A Political Slam Dunk That Congress Couldn’t Handle

Dallas Morning News: Poll: Electricity costs and reliability are top-of-mind for Texas voters

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Oregon’s gubernatorial candidates say Measure 110 isn’t working

Oregon KVAL: Oregon governor debate: What the candidates said about Measure 110

WCAX New Hampshire: Poll: New Hampshire’s Hassan leading challenger Bolduc

The New Republic: A Cornered Putin Is Capable of Anything

Common Dreams: Fetterman Calls Biden Marijuana Pardons and Reforms a 'BFD'

On Social

Dems Deliver

Calling all Sarah Cameron and John B stans! The federal government is listening to the people and doing what they should have done ages ago: investing in the outer banks. That’s right, Thom Tillis is putting our tax dollars into finding John B’s father, getting those kids even more boats, and sunken pirate ship investigations. All worthy causes.

(confession: no one on the Data for Progress newsletter writing team actually watches Outer Banks, but we’re trying to relate to the youth. Is it working?)

Okay, we lied. Thom Tillis is more focused on repealing abortion rights than Gen Z television, but Democrats are actually stepping up to help the outer banks. The real one, not the Netflix one. 

Through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (or the “BIF” as you probably know it by), federal funds will be used for smaller dredge projects in northeast North Carolina. Nearly $60 million will go towards the Army Corps of Engineers for eastern North Carolina waterways, including $6.4 million to dredge Manteo Shallowbag Bay, $1.6 million to dredge Avon Harbor, and $4.37 million for Ocracoke’s Silver Lake project. So get ready, mariners of Dare and Hyde County! With all of these investments in dredging, it’s about to be your federal funding girl fall. You can read more about the projects here.

Even though Democrats aren’t investing in John B and Sarah Cameron’s wardrobes, we think that waterways and dredging are just as sexy, if not more. So Outer Banks residents, when you go to the polls this November, ask yourself this: do you want Ted Budd, a name so boring we could barely type it, to represent you in Congress? Or do you want Cheri Beasley, a former state Chief Justice who will absolutely keep investing in those sexy, sexy waterways. 


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