They are coming after Larry like they came after Chesa, and we need to fight back by spreading the truth and educating everyone we know about the real story.

Real Justice

John, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner was the first prosecutor that Real Justice helped elect in 2017. 

He’s strong-willed, hard on the issues, and fearless when it comes to setting out on the agenda he promised to the voters that elected him.

He’s exonerated wrongfully convicted people, held police accountable by fearlessly prosecuting police officers for abusing their power, treated kids like kids, and ended mass incarceration — reducing the jail population by 40% and the amount of prison time imposed by a combined 18,000 years. 

Everything we look for in a pro-civil rights, pro-justice DA.

The police union spent hundreds of thousands against Larry to try to stop him from being re-elected, and he won decisively, with over 60% of the vote. Many of his votes came from the Black communities who have been directly impacted by crooked cops and mass incarceration for decades.

Now Pennsylvania conservatives who don’t even live anywhere close to Philadelphia are trying to impeach Larry and override the will of voters in the city. 

They have put Larry under investigation for “refusing to cooperate with a legislative committee investigating his possible impeachment,” an investigation that if he complied with, he would be breaking the law. 

They are coming after Larry like they came after Chesa, and we need to fight back by spreading the truth and educating everyone we know about the real story. 

Please read this article about Larry, the attacks on him and this entire movement today then share it with 5 of your closest friends and family members. This is how we fight back — by making sure everyone knows the truth.

If we don’t speak out, we could see a replay of what happened to Chesa Boudin in San Francisco — a well-oiled, well-funded campaign spreading lies and misinformation to turn the city against the DA they believed in and elected.

They were able to root their campaign in fear, intimidation, and disinformation.

But we refuse to see that happen again and we have the power to protect progressive DAs like Larry before that happens.

It starts with educating folks about the attacks we are seeing already and the work he’s doing to transform the system that has wronged SO many Black and brown people in Philadelphia and beyond.

Our power starts and ends with YOU, so we need to make sure we’re on the same page and can spread the word about Larry and all of these vicious, baseless attacks against him.

Please take a moment on this Friday to read this article then please share it with all of your loved ones. The more people we have on board, the more difficult it will be for our opponents to twist the truth.

Thank you,

Real Justice