The Hill: A decade in the life of defending an American family from the EPA


Tony Francois has represented Mike and Chantell Sackett from day one of their 15-year legal battle for the right to build a house without first getting the government’s permission. On Monday, Tony joined PLF lawyers at the Supreme Court to argue on behalf of the Sacketts—two people who have been unwilling to back down in the face of overwhelming government power.

Now, writes Tony, the freedom of every American from government overreach will be in the Court’s hands.

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Fighting EPA overreach at the Supreme Court in Sackett v. EPA


On Monday, Damien Schiff argued Sackett v. EPA II to kick off the Supreme Court’s new term. PLF’s 17th Supreme Court case is the second go-round for Chantell and Mike Sackett, and for Damien, who shares his first-hand account of the two hours that could shape the future of property ownership across the country.  

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George Will: Biden’s slapdash, election-season student loan gambit may be in trouble


Pacific Legal Foundation, writes George Will at The Washington Post, might have found the key to unlocking a courthouse door.

If it has, President Biden’s slapdash, election-season, $500 billion (at least) student-loan forgiveness might perish from multiple flaws.

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