Dear John,


It's time to Get Out The Vote for reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, climate protections, and democracy itself.? Dems in must-win state legislative races urgently need more volunteers speaking with target voters.

Help us double the number of undecided voters we find & vote plans we make at each phonebank through Election Day. Please sign up now for our GOTV shifts:

Wed Oct 12? 6:30pm-8pm ET

Wed Oct 19? 6:30pm-8pm ET

Sat Oct 22? 11am-1pm ET

Wed Oct 26? 6:30pm-8pm ET

Sat Oct 29? 11am-1pm ET

Wed Nov 2? 6:30pm-8pm ET

Sat Nov 5? 11am-1pm ET

Mon Nov 7? 6:30pm-8pm ET

THIS WORKS. Some of these races will be won or lost by a handful of votes -- you could make the difference, truly. No experience necessary, full training provided, it's a wonderful group, and it's a great way to volunteer from home.?


We don't want to wake up on Nov 9 wishing we'd done more. Thank you for jumping in!


Let's win,

-Sister District DC/VA/MD


p.s. for other day/time options, call with Sister District staff on a National Phonebank --?sign up here!


Paid for by Sister District Project, Authorized by Dan Williams, (HD 74) and Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz (HD 129)?