The American Mind's Weekly Digest
Liberty Wept
Roger Kimball
Conservatism, in any normal understanding of the word, depends upon a generally acknowledged and widely shared sense of legitimacy if it is to survive. Absent the authority of legitimacy, conservatism has nothing to conserve. It floats anchorless.
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Rise of the Tesla Bots
Soledad Ursúa
Making it more expensive to hire and train unskilled, unexperienced workers will simply accelerate the transition to replacement by machine. Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot, as weirdly dystopian as it may sound, is the predictable and obvious alternative to human labor when it is priced prohibitively high.
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All Your Science are Belong to Us
The Editors
Members of Gen Z report trusting Google and Youtube to deliver information and entertainment—but what’s really going on under the hood? Just like everywhere else, “neutrality” is a myth online. Then: how can the Right win the fight over childhood indoctrination and radical gender theory in schools? And what on earth is Biden thinking when it comes to oil? Ryan and Spencer (aka Starsky and Hutch) discuss.
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