Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

Our fall donor drive ends tonight, and I’m asking you to join OpenSecrets before the deadline by making a donation.

Let me level with you. It’s no simple task maintaining our database when so much money is moving throughout the system — much of it to the political extremes. By comparison, our annual budget this year amounts to what some campaigns spend in a week, using their side’s polarizing rhetoric to drum up funds.

And in a media climate that is clamoring for the next sound bite, having the long view on money in politics trends is becoming more difficult — and rare — by the day.

We are behind where we had hoped to be at this point in our annual fundraising.

Only one quarter of one percent of readers have given during our fall drive, which is critically important to our midterm reporting, not to mention the ambitious plans we have leading into 2024.

If every one-in-one-hundred readers gave today, we could reach our month-long goal in one day.

And you can support OpenSecrets knowing that you aren’t contributing to the political polarization vortex. Proudly nonpartisan — when the money talks, we listen and accurately interpret what’s happening. 

It doesn’t matter who it’s from or where it’s being spent. You deserve to know how money is used to influence your government.

Our donors help make this kind of data presentation and investigative reporting possible. And it’s because you also share our commitment to holding power accountable that we are able to expose corruption and influence peddling that grows less accountable every cycle.

If now is not a good time to make a contribution, I understand. Thank you for everything you do as an advocate for accountable, transparent governance.

Thank you for reading this, and for taking a stand by supporting OpenSecrets.
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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