Dear Friend,

Just a few nights ago, Mike France took on Joe Courtney in the first of two debates and Mike proved he is poised and ready to defeat Courtney in November!

We have an opportunity to have you attend the next debate, scheduled for Wednesday, October 12th, beginning at 7pm (you must be in your seat by 6:45pm) at the Garde Arts Center in New London.

We are planning a pre-debate gathering and ticket distribution event starting at 5:30.  Should you wish to attend, please complete this form:, and a member of our team will confirm with you how to pick up your ticket!

Joe Courtney is vulnerable. He's never been more nervous in advance of an election and we will continue to hold his feet to the fire until November 8th but can't do it without your help!

Share this event:, and encourage your friends and families to come as well!

The CTGOP Team
Paid for by Connecticut Republicans.
Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

Our mailing address is:
98 Washington St, Suite 203
Middletown, Connecticut

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