Friday, 07 October 2022

How China's limited human rights have collapsed under Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping in 2017. Credit; UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

As Xi Jinping looks set to start an unprecedented third term in power next week, Jemimah Steinfeld reflects on the China he took over 10 years ago and what his tenure has meant for the nation’s freedoms.

"A damning indictment of Lukashenka's Belarus"

Andrei Aliaksandrau and Irina Zlobina sentenced in Minsk Regional Court. Photo:

Index and ARTICLE 19 call on the Belarusian authorities to release our former colleague, Andrei Aliaksandrau, his wife Irina Zlobina and others from the BelaPAN news agency after they were handed stiff sentences this week. Read our statement here.

Anti-SLAPP measures cannot come fast enough

The urgent need to introduce anti-SLAPP measures, proposed by the UK government in July, has been underscored by the recent announcement that a Kazakhstan university endowment fund associated with the former president has issued legal proceedings against UK media outlets.
Read our statement here

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