From Pro Life Campaign <[email protected]>
Subject "Bigoted and discriminatory” proposal from Human Rights Commission, watch upbeat video from March for Life & top pro-life speaker at Aontú Ard Fheis!👣
Date October 7, 2022 8:04 AM
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News, Event Registration and Much More!

7th October 2022
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In this issue:

READ: (#conf) The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney (#conf)

READ: “Bigoted and discriminatory” proposal from Human Rights Commission to jail pro-lifers (#2)

READ: Top pro-life speaker from US to address Aontú's Ard Fheis tomorrow (#55)

WATCH: Video of March for Life in Dublin (#3)

REGISTER: PLC Network Webinar next Tuesday, 11th October with Obianuju Ekeocha. Register today! (#workshop)

ACTION ALERT: Send ready-to-go message to your local TDs on the link between ‘DIY’ home abortions and coercive abortion (#VPC)

APPLY NOW: Virtual Internship with the PLC (#VS)
The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 will take place on 12th November in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney ()
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We are very pleased to announce that Irish born Dr Dermot Kearney will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference which takes place in the RDS Concert Hall on Saturday 12th November from 12-3.30pm. This event was originally scheduled for Saturday, 8th October but will now take place on Saturday, 12th November.

Please note change of date for this event

Dr Kearney, who has saved many unborn babies from the brink of abortion, will talk about his work assisting mothers to reverse the effects of the first abortion pill, his recent vindication by the UK’s General Medical Council following a series of complaints made against him by pro-abortion campaigners, and his plans for the future to make the treatment known as Abortion Pill Reversal much more widely available.

To hear Dr Kearney talk about Abortion Pill Reversal and the plans for the future to make the life-saving treatment more widely accessible, register here to attend the PLC’s National Conference 2022. Seating is limited so be sure to register today to avoid disappointment!

More information, including about other guest speakers, will be available in the coming days.
“Bigoted and discriminatory” proposal from Human Rights Commission to jail pro-lifers ()
Alina Dulgheri and Elizabeth Howard from the group Be Here For Me outside Dáil Éireann ()

The Pro Life Campaign has described as “bigoted and discriminatory” the call from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission for peaceful protesters outside abortion facilities to be given prison sentences.

In its submission to the government on proposed “Exclusion Zone” legislation, the IHREC called for prison sentences of up to two years for any pro-life person holding a peaceful protest or offering support to anyone entering an abortion facility.

The IHREC cites research from Maynooth University to justify its call but omits to mention that some of the key people associated with the research are notorious pro-abortion campaigners. As a clear giveaway of the bias, the Maynooth survey on which the research is based refers to pro-life people as "anti-choice".

The IHREC most definitely does not deserve the public’s trust as a human rights protector when it’s prepared to single out and jettison the human rights and freedoms of a particular category of citizens, namely pro-life people in this instance. For the IHREC to justify its call for prison sentences for pro-life people based on research influenced by well known pro-abortion campaigners strips this ‘human rights’ body of all its credibility.

Handing down prison sentences of up to two years for pro-life citizens exercising their fundamental freedoms of expression and association is a completely authoritarian proposal.

It has been established, including in advice presented to the Minister for Health by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, that legislation setting up exclusion zones around abortion facilities to combat ‘intimidation’ and ‘harassment’ is not required as these are already offences under public order laws. Nonetheless, the excessive measures which would have the impact of banning the optional provision of pro-life literature and even quiet and reflective prayer are being railroaded through the Oireachtas.

Deceptively, the need for introducing such a law has been framed around ‘protests’, despite the reality that the alleged existential problem of these protests is simply not happening. In the Seanad in February, Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee talked about the “terror of Limerick”, referring to alleged protests at Limerick city hospital. This was despite a forthright denial by the UL Hospitals Group that any such protests were taking place on its grounds. They also stated that no complaints had been received from women having abortions, their partners, or staff about negative experiences with ‘protestors’.

Regardless of the facts and evidence, the advocates of exclusion zones are now pushing the boundaries of constitutional rights and seeking to jail people simply for expressing their views in a respectful and dignified manner. The IHREC is actively contradicting and undermining its mission statement of defending and advancing the cause of human rights by its conduct in this matter.
Top pro-life speaker from US to address Aontú's Ard Fheis tomorrow ()
Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America ()
Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America is one of the guest speakers at the Aontú Ard Fheis in the City North Hotel tomorrow, Saturday, 8th October.

Kristen is a tireless advocate for the right to life and has worked in Congress for the Democrat co-chair of the bi-partisan House Pro-Life Caucus. She is extremely knowledgeable regarding the politics that surrounds the abortion debate and will have lots to say at the Ard Fheis about the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade in the US. For more information see here ([link removed])
Video of March for Life in Dublin ()
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Check out this upbeat one-minute video on the recent March for Life in Dublin.

Click here ([link removed]) to view
Are you interested in joining a nationwide panel of presenters who are promoting the dignity of human life? Apply Now to Join LifeWorks Education Team ()
Contact Information (mailto:[email protected]?subject=LifeWorks%20Education%20Team)
PLC Network Webinar next Tuesday, 11th October with Obianuju Ekeocha. Register today! ()
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Our next PLC Network Webinar is fast approaching.

The topic of this webinar will be ‘Pro-Life Opportunities in a post-Roe world' with Special Guest: Obianuju Ekeocha, Biomedical Scientist and also the Founder and President of Culture of Life Africa.

This webinar takes place Tuesday evening on the 11th October from 7.30-8.30pm online via Zoom.
Register Now ([link removed])
Send INSTANT ready-to-go message to your TDs asking them to urge Stephen Donnelly to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion ()
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The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is expected to make a decision very soon on whether to end or sanction the continuation of telemedicine home abortions.

In a very distrubing new finding, 15% of women in the UK said they experienced pressure to go though with an abortion they didn't want to have.*

The HSE in Ireland recently acknowledged** that coercion is MORE likely to occur when abortions happen remotely.

Telemedicine abortion is anti-woman as well as anti-baby.

Take one minute to send an INSTANT message to your TDs asking them to urge the Minister for Health to immediately STOP telemedicine abortion now that Covid 19 measures have been eased in every other area.

You can send an instant message here ([link removed])

*The findings are contained in research conducted for BBC Radio 4
**In an answer to a Parliamentary Question from Carol Nolan TD on 3rd March 2022
APPLY NOW - Virtual Internship with the PLC (#1)

Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation?

If you would like, APPLY HERE ([link removed]) to our exciting virtual intern programme for students!
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Participants on the programme will have an opportunity to network with other young people and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning.

Internships run for one-week periods and are suitable for second level (Transition year or older) and third level students.

Each intern will do 4 hours supervised work each day and will be working on areas such as social media, contact with members of the movement nationwide, project planning and contributing to support work for women and their babies.

Internships are not paid, however expenses will be covered.

If you or a family member is interested, please complete the below form and we will be in touch with you presently. Placements are subject to availability.

Thank you!

Apply Now by filling in the application form ([link removed])
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Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events. If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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