A prayer for peace on this Christmas Day
Let us pray for the world in which the
Prince of Peace took flesh
and form, saying,
hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We give you thanks, Holy One,
for the light that has come into the
darkness of our world,
for the truth illuminated,
for the pathway that has opened,
for the rejoicing of your people.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We give you thanks for the feet of those
who bring good news, friendship,
food, shelter, and medicine for healing.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We give you thanks for the church of
Christ Jesus
and for all people of faith
whose attention to the way of peace
tears down walls that keep us apart.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We give you thanks for this country
and for every nation where wisdom
where leaders work for the well-being of
the poor,
so that no one is hungry or homeless,
and every child is valued and nourished.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We pray for the knowledge and courage
to be good stewards of all that you have
given us:
ourselves, our neighbors, the strangers
among us,
the oceans and rivers, the air and soil,
creatures large and small,
that we may continue to be blessed with
health and life.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We pray for those whose flesh is harmed
by poverty, sickness, and cruelty of any
that the Word-made-flesh may so fill
your world
with the power to heal
that all people
would be made strong
and whole.
Hear us, O God; your mercy is great.
We commend all these things to you
and offer our thanksgiving,
trusting that what we have left unsaid,
your holy wisdom can unearth;
in the name of the One who came among
in the power of the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and forever. Amen.
- Adapted from: David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor & Kimberly
Bracken Long. Feasting on the Word Advent Companion: A Thematic
Resource for Preaching and Worship (p. 125). Westminster John Knox
Press. Kindle Edition.
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