Our nation must clearly demonstrate that we will treat migrants with the dignity and humanity they deserve.


Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed MAGA governors Greg Abbott, Doug Ducey, and Ron DeSantis abusing human rights, lying, and taking advantage of migrants.

They are luring and manipulating migrants -- many of whom are part of families seeking political asylum from countries led by communist dictators -- to board buses and planes with false promises of employment and housing opportunities as a political stunt. These governors have shown just how far they will take their downright unethical, immoral, and illegal behavior to score political points with their bases.

Governors DeSantis, Abbott, and Ducey must be held accountable for their human rights abuses. It’s time for the Department of Justice to take legal action.

Sign the petition to the Department of Justice: Govs. Abbott, DeSantis, and Ducey must be investigated for their human rights abuses against migrants now.


For the sake of our democracy, we must hold these dangerous and reckless governors accountable.

We cannot allow these politicians to spin the narrative against migrants simply seeking a better life. We must call out the reality of their human rights abuses and work to keep them from continuing these stunts.

The reasons to investigate Govs. Abbott, DeSantis, and Ducey are clear. Whether it is misappropriating taxpayer funds in order to pull off their cruel stunts or the fact that the stunts amount to veiled human trafficking, their fraudulent actions cannot go unchecked.

Join us in demanding that the Department of Justice immediately investigate Govs. Abbott, DeSantis, and Ducey.

Thank you for standing with us to protect the rights of migrants.

–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jay, Lindsay, Mai, Mai, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team)


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