As Pres. Obama said, the fight for fair maps is just one part of the fight to protect our democracy.
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Democracy Defenders vs. Election Deniers gif. Map of the USA that highlights Governors race states in yellow: Arizona, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Image changes to highlight Secretary of State races in yellow on the same USA Map: Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. Graphic has a red Help Us Save Democracy button.


You may know the NDRC as the force that has led the national effort to eradicate gerrymandering. But as President Obama said, the fight for fair maps is just one part of the fight to protect our democracy – and in the past couple of years, Republican attacks on democracy have escalated in both strength and number.

So as the NDRC works to expand our successful model to focus on fights that are critical to safeguarding our system of government, this much is obvious: Election deniers and insurrectionists are not compatible with a healthy democracy.

That’s why I’m sharing the maps above. They highlight the states where NDRC-endorsed Democracy Defenders are in head-to-head races with Republicans who deny that President Biden won in 2020 – and, in many cases, won’t commit to accepting the results of future elections.

Will you help us support Democracy Defenders and carry out all of our work?

The outcomes of these races won’t just determine who has control of Congress after 2022 – they’ll have implications for 2024 and beyond. Many of the candidates who win on the state level this year will play critical roles in administering and certifying results of future elections. So it’s essential that we defeat MAGA Republicans and prevent them from gaining the power to overturn future results that they don’t like.

That means we need to be able to:
  1. Give our nearly 500 Democracy Defender candidates the support they need to win.
  2. Stop Republicans from corrupting this year's pool of election workers.
  3. Fight back against the GOP's relentless efforts to curtail voting rights.

I hope I can count on your support, John. I know not everyone is able to donate every time we ask, but if you can contribute even $10, it would make a big difference.

I deeply appreciate your support of our work.

– Kelly