Dear John
This ailing government is intent on dragging British
democracy down with it
It’s hard to see the wood for the
trees right now, I think. Yes, Liz Truss’ government is seemingly at
war with itself and yes, Labour are polling very well.
But at the same time, this
Government still has a big majority in the House of Commons and is
still intent on pushing through new laws. And from what we saw at
their conference, it’s not going to be anything good.
So I wanted to do a bit of
digging for you, a sort of ‘I read it so you won’t have to’ deal.
a look at my blog on the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, and what it
really means.
I’m part of Best for Britain’s
Policy & Research team and we’ve been working on this Bill with
cross-party MPs and Lords, and getting expert advice through the
independent and cross-party UK Trade & Business
In the midst of market turmoil
and policy U-turns, this Bill is set to violate international law,
will greatly increase the economic pressure on ordinary people and
raise the heat on the cost of living crisis.
Although technical talks have
resumed, Britain is not entering these in good faith as they have
doubled down and kept the threat of the Bill on the table. This is no
way to fix the actual problems with the Protocol for businesses and
people in Northern Ireland
Read the blog now for more on
how they’re putting the Good Friday Agreement and peace in Northern
Ireland at risk and how that in turn has an impact on whether America
will even talk to us about a trade deal.
Find out how Henry VIII comes
into it, and the implications it has for the UK’s democracy and
Thanks for reading, and being
with us as we work to put a stop to this Bill.
Best wishes,
Harry Welch
Research Officer
PS. Sign the petition
and take the next step in standing up against this extreme bill. Add
your name to thousands already standing with us. The petition
demonstrates to MPs, Lords and all those I need to persuade that
people really care, and they have the political cover they need to
take action.