It's not left versus right. It's the people v. the establishment.
Dear John,

Something miraculous is happening in West Virginia.?


Here in the Mountain State, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and 3rd Party Candidates are running together -- on the same slate, and with the same platform (


In this time of national division, how is this possible?


1. Our fight is not left v. right. It's the people of West Virginia v. the Wealthy Good Old Boys Club. In most West Virginia counties, there are a few rich families that control the government... steering contracts and jobs and grants to other rich folks they know. Sometimes they call themselves Democrats; sometimes Republicans. This is true for our state and federal leaders too. Manchin and Capito answer to Wall Street bankers and fossil fuel lobbyists more than West Virginia workers. The wealthy want to divide us, neighbor against neighbor. They want us fighting each other, so they can keep robbing us blind. We refuse. One of the pledges that WV Can't Wait candidates make is to never punch down. Our fight is with the people at the top, not with the family down the street.


2. We trust the people who are closest to the problem. Our shared policy platform was written by thousands of West Virginians, across 197 Town Hall meetings and over 11,000 face-to-face conversations. Educators and kids wrote our Education Plan. Miners wrote our Miners Bill of Rights. Seniors authored our Seniors Can't Wait initiative. WV Can't Wait candidates can sign on to this platform, across party lines, because they know it was written by the real on-the-ground experts -- not party consultants, elites, or high-priced lobbyists.?


3. We're funded by you -- not corporate donors. This is absolutely crucial. Every WV Can't Wait candidates and the WV Can't Wait Action Committee promise never to take corporate cash. No corporate PACs, no corporate lobbyists, no out-of-state corporate executives. Our candidates are accountable to voters, not entrenched corporate interests. The average donation is about $30.


4. We have brave candidates like Tony, Melissa, Dylan, and Sheena...?

Sheena Griffith (upper-left) is a Recovery Coach running for City Council to fight the overdose crisis, and "make Charleston a place of promise instead of pain." Tony Martin (upper-right) is an accountant and volunteer firefighter in Beckley, running for Delegate to bring better roads and livable wages to his district. Dylan Parsons (bottom-left) is a Direct Care Provider at Northwood Health Systems, running for Delegate to legalize cannabis and win major raises for teachers. And Melissa Clark (bottom-right) is a teacher and artist in Huntington running for State Senate to level the playing field for small businesses and protect the rights and liberties of all people.


One is running as an Independent. One as a Democrat. One as a Mountain Party member. One as a Republican. But like every one of the 34 WV Can't Wait-endorsed general election candidates (and 21 WV Can't Wait elected officials), they are all proudly pro-choice, pro-labor, and anti-corruption... and willing to bear the criticism that comes when you're willing to work with people across race, class, religion, gender, and party lines.


Find candidates near you at Donate at Or reply to this email if you'd like to get involved as a volunteer or future candidate yourself.?


It's going to take all of us.




Stephen Smith and Katey Lauer?

WV Can't Wait Co-Chairs


PS This email would not be complete without mentioning Frank Annie (R) and Joe Solomon (D), who local residents are starting to call the "bipartisan bros" for their efforts to campaign together as part of the Charleston Can't Wait City Council Slate.?


WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit