Find out everything you need to know about the Weekend of Resistance on October 14-16

Hello John

The UK Government has created chaos over the last few weeks. In her speech yesterday Liz Truss told the Conservative Party Conference “we must stay the course”. But we know there is no future in the course this Government is walking.


We can’t afford this anymore.


It’s just over a week away until we take to the streets to stand against the ongoing injustice, and show what caring, resilient and peaceful resistance can do. 


Will you be there?

OCTOBER 14: Meet at Trafalgar Square at 12pm where we will take mass participation action to Downing Street. BRING your energy bills, messages of hope, love and rage against spiralling costs and the destruction of the planet!


OCTOBER 15: Join us outside the Tate Modern from 11-5pm to hear from a diverse range of movements, organisations and speakers - including Kate Raworth and Lily Cole - and enjoy music, poetry and comedy.


OCTOBER 16: Meet at the Reformer’s Tree in Hyde Park at 11am and march with us to share your grief, anger, faith and love – we will show the UK Government and the world our regenerative vision for the future.


So, find out more about the weekend and then join with thousands of others to show this corrupt, unelected government that we refuse to be pushed around. 






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