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"This [border] surge is no accident. Since he came into office, President Biden has implemented a de facto open borders policy."

With midterm elections less than two months away and the end of fiscal year 2022,, migrant arrests along the border have reached a record high. Mark Thies, an Engineering Professor at Clemson University, wrote an op-ed explaining how there is more to illegal border crossings than just competing for American jobs:

"What's less well-known, or at least less discussed, is that migrants compete with working-class Americans for far more than just jobs.

For instance, consider the housing market. Migrants need a roof over their heads, just like everyone else. In part because of the massive influx of new residents, the nationwide apartment vacancy rate recently hit a 37-year low and the ensuing competition has driven rents through the roof. Rising housing expenses contributed to about 40% of May's inflation.

And consider electricity. Adding millions more consumers to the economy drives up demand for energy. And when demand jumps and supply remains relatively static, prices increase. It's basic economics. In fact, electricity rates increased by 5.6% in 2021, the biggest increase in 13 years. So far this year, they've climbed even higher."

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