Tickets are going fast for the FreedomFest BBQ on 10/9 with Ann Wagner, Eric Schmitt, Jay Ashcroft, Bill Eigel, and many more. Reserve yours today!
Countdown: 5 Days!
RESERVE TICKETS ([link removed])
You're Invited To
St. Louis Young Republicans
FreedomFest BBQ
Sunday, October 9 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Served at 11:30 AM
St. Louis County GOP Headquarters
794 Gravois Bluffs Blvd, Fenton, MO 63026
Special Guests and Speakers
Congresswoman Ann Wagner
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
State Senator Andrew Koenig
State Representative
Mary Elizabeth Coleman (SD-22)
Ben Brown (SD-26)
Holly Jones (HD-88)
Attorney General Eric Schmitt
(U.S. Senate Candidate)
State Senator Bill Eigel (SD-23)
State Representative Jim Murphy (HD-94)
State Representative
Nick Schroer (SD-2)
Dr. George Hruza (SD-24)
LaVanna Wrobley (HD-99)
Masters of Ceremony
NewsTalk STL's Tim Jones & Chris Arps
RESERVE TICKETS ([link removed])
Don't Miss This Fall's Biggest Event!
Reserve your tickets today and find out how we're going to grow the conservative movement and take back our country in 2022!
What are you waiting for? Snag your ticket before they run out to take part in standing against tyranny and growing the conservative movement!
RESERVE TICKETS HERE ([link removed])
BECOME A MEMBER ([link removed])
YR Member: Free (Register Here)
*Adults: $30
Students: $20
Kids: $5
BUY TICKETS ([link removed])
Sponsorship Opportunities ([link removed])
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** Upcoming Events
10/6 Bonhomme Township GOP BBQ - 6 PM (American Legion Hall, Kirkwood)
10/9 Day of Action for Rep. Jim Murphy ([link removed])
10/15 Day of Action for Ann Wagner, George Hruza, & Dennis Hancock ([link removed])
10/20 Happy Hour with St. Charles YRS - Westport Social ([link removed])
11/10 Happy Hour - CJ Muggs Clayton
12/9 YR Christmas Party (Private, Member Only Event
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