Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!
Much has happened over the course of 2019. And as we turn our focus to our families and gathering with our friends for the holidays we must remind ourselves about what is important: caring for those less fortunate, embracing goodness and civility. These are our values in Orange County, and they guide me every day.
2020 is sure to be a defining year for our country. I will continue my work across the aisle for the benefit Orange County, our state and our great nation. No one has a monopoly on good solutions or good ideas. In Washington, I am committed to focusing on what is best for our country- supporting our veterans, raising the minimum wage, reducing gun violence and ensuring we all have access to affordable health care and prescription drugs. Thank you again for believing in our collective vision and me. 

Happy Holidays to you and yours. And I ask that you please reach out to my office if we can be of service to you.