A season of hope ...for human rights, justice, and fairness
Thank you for your support this holiday season
As we wind down 2019, we are grateful for the hard work and support of members, friends, interns, volunteers and allies with whom we have worked this past year. We especially want to thank YOU for your encouragement, trust and financial support during yet another traumatic year for immigrants and their families -- and for helping us to push back against the hateful, racially-charged and inhumane policies and actions of the Trump White House. 2020 is already gearing up for big battles, with Census 2020 and the elections in November, both of which will have major consequences for immigrant communities.
More than ever, we need to push back on injustice and heighten the resistance within our communities, while strengthening ties with allies who have multiplied in support of immigrant and refugee rights. During 2019 we strived to keep our members and supporters abreast of rapid- fire developments with regular updates and calls to action. We organized a successful investigative delegation to Washington, DC, to discuss immigration policy with Congressional leaders and their staffers. And we were buoyed by our efforts to build awareness and link the common agendas of climate justice and migrant rights -- two of the most pressing issues impacting our communities and countries around the world.
Throughout this year, we have been honored to work with our activist colleagues who share our commitment to human rights & justice and who are on the frontlines of the immediate crises of migrant communities. And we look forward to the continued collaboration with friends from around the world -- partners with whom we will continue to work with hand-in-hand on strengthening protections and rights for migrants globally.
Please consider a year-end donation to NNIRR.
Your contribution now (and throughout the year, as a monthly or quarterly sustainer), will help us to sustain and grow our commitments:
- Organizing and supporting the defense and protection of immigrants and refugees from deportation, detention, harassment, discrimination and exclusion.
Providing strategic spaces for visioning and collaboration.
Building multi-sector alliances among people of color, women, LGBTIQ, the poor, working class, immigrants, refugees, environmental and climate justice activists and more.
Promoting grassroots education and organizing, expanding our popular education tools and broadening outreach, connections, and learning through lived experiences.
Sharing messages for human and civil rights that take on xenophobic, racist, and fear-mongering rhetoric.
- Working with global partners to promote rights-centered policies and actions to address the human rights crisis of migrants and refugees -- pushing the envelope on solutions to the "root causes" of forced migration.
Click here to make an online donation, or send your check, payable to the "National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights", to the address listed below. Ready to join NNIRR as a member? Click here to join the team!
Our best wishes for a peaceful, healthy and happy new year -- and thank you for your support.
-- the Board and Staff of the National Network
Donations to the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.