You should reject him in 2022
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Today’s post is a little longer than you are used to, but as your Councilwoman I will NOT shy away from the hard conversations. As a community and city, you can’t help right the ship if you don’t have the information.

Let me make my views perfectly clear, I support our Phoenix Police, Fire, and all first responders. Our community does, however, demand transparency and accountability, whether it is a government organization, private business, or friends.

Scottsdale Kevin Robinson’s shaky campaign is light on detailed information on how he will help our district/city and heavy on his political buddies’ endorsements and their personal agendas.

Robinson touts his 36.5 years in the police department as the reason why he should sit on the city council. The following is what he doesn’t want you to know.

·     2012: Robinson was rejected from being appointed as the Phoenix Chief of Police. It was the first time in 30 years the police chief hadn’t been promoted from within their own ranks. Read what the Phoenix police union said. Some people consider this a vote of no confidence.
·     2013: Phoenix Police Chief Garcia demoted Robinson from assistant chief to commander. Why does Robinson continue to use a job title he was demoted from? Read how he found out he was demoted. Community perception is that Garcia didn’t respect Robinson which is why he didn't demote in person.
·     2000 – 2017: While Robinson was in a leadership position in the police department, City of Phoenix paid out approximately $35,312,437.50 to settle claims against the city’s police department.
·     2019: Appointed by his political benefactor, Mayor Gallego, to an ad hoc committee to implement long-stalled police reforms. According to a reliable source, Robinson did not attend at least 4 of the 11 monthly meetings. Can’t implement change if you don’t show up.
·     2021: Department of Justice (DOJ) investigating the Phoenix Police Department. The investigation has cost the taxpayers $1.9 million and the cost will continue to rise. The investigation reasons are years of systematic problems including when Robinson was in a leadership position.
·     Conflict of interest and self-interest: Robinson would need to recuse himself from conversations and votes pertaining to matters regarding the police department. This means he would not be able to perform 100% of the council member’s duties.

Robinson spent decades in a culture with a lack of transparency. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself because it’s going to take a lot of people chipping in as much as they can to reach our goal. A win this November is a win for our families and businesses.

Thank you for your trust and support,

Joan Greene

Email is the most important way we keep in touch with you, so thank you for reading to the end. Small donors like you keep us going. To contribute via check, please address to Joan Greene for Phoenix City Council 4802 E. Ray Road, Suite 23-134 Phoenix, AZ 85044
