Scroll through this explainer, and you'll have all these facts at your fingertips. Make sure you share this page far and wide, too, to help make the case for big, structural change!
We launched a new interactive storytelling feature to show how the wealth gap was built — and how a wealth tax would level the playing field for all families. Click here to take a look:
An interactive chart to visualize the wealth gap between typical American families and the richest billionaires
How much $50 million is, really — including how many years you’d have to buy a $5 footlong every day before you spent $50 million
Details on what the tax will pay for, including Universal Child Care and early education, universal free public technical, two-year, and four-year college, and canceling student loan debt for 42 million Americans
We can only make these plans a reality if we keep growing our grassroots movement.
In just a few days, we’re up against our biggest test yet: the year-end FEC deadline and right now, we’re not on track to hit our December fundraising goal.
If you can, please chip in right now to help hit our goal.