Hi John,

I’m pleased to be back in Minnesota with fall in full swing! After having completed our most urgent business in Washington, DC, Congress has adjourned until November. While much remains to be done, we successfully passed bills to avoid a government shutdown and fund the government in the short term, improve access to mental healthcare, make it harder for criminals to engage in human trafficking, and improve the lives of our Veterans. I also spent the remainder of my week highlighting the corrupting influence of dark money in politics and meeting with Minnesotans traveling to DC. Read on for updates on all this and more!

Seeking Compromise, Avoiding Shutdowns

I believe Congress must return to normal order and hold ourselves accountable to deadlines, including when it comes to passing long-term budgets. In recent years, political brinksmanship has repeatedly derailed efforts to reach bipartisan compromise, with some using the threat of a government shutdown as a negotiation tactic – one that jeopardizes our security, safety, and economy. Thankfully, this past Friday I was able to join a bipartisan majority in the House in voting for a compromise to fund the federal government through December 16th, avoiding a government shutdown. In addition, we voted on and passed the following important pieces of legislation:  

  • H.R. 7780, the Mental Health Matters Act: This bill increases the number of mental health professionals in elementary and secondary schools in high-need areas and directs the Department of Education to award grants for recruiting and retaining these professionals.
  • S.3470, the End Human Trafficking in Government Contracts Act of 2022: This bill requires any federal agency receiving a substantiated claim that a grant or contract recipient is engaging in human trafficking would be required to refer the matter to the agency's suspension and debarment official. Under current law, such a referral is optional.
  • S.2794, the Supporting Families of the Fallen Act: This bill increases the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Service Members’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) coverage amount from $400,000 to $500,000, amounts that have not been changed since 2005.
  • H.R. 3304, the AUTO for Veterans Act: This bill reduces the financial burden for disabled Veterans who require special adaptive equipment to drive a motor vehicle.
  • H.R. 8875, the Expanding Home Loans for Guard and Reservists Act: This bill makes it easier for National Guard and Reserve servicemembers to obtain a VA home loan by expanding eligibility.

When we return, I hope that we can build on our recent progress and that we are able to come to quick agreement on a long-term budget that will fund our priorities and provide certainty for the American people. The only people who should suffer financial hardship when elected leaders can’t govern are the elected leaders themselves – but we have got to work together to improve our budget procedures so we don’t reach that point.

Government Of, By, and For the People

No matter what issue is most important to you, I ask that your number two issue be campaign finance reform because the influence of special interest money in our politics is at the root of the dysfunction in Washington. As a founding member of the No PAC Caucus – and as the only Member of Congress who doesn’t accept money from PACs, federal lobbyists, or other Members of Congress - I am disgusted by the many ways in which money has corrupted our democracy. Last week, I joined Sammy and Maddie on their podcast, Girl and the Gov, to discuss dark money in politics, why it's so prevalent, how it's used, and what I'm doing in Washington to help address this issue. 

I was thrilled to join the Girl and the Gov podcast last week to discuss the corrupting influence of special interest money in politics. Click here to listen to the full episode!

The corrupting influence of money in politics is a threat to our democracy, and we will be unable to address our country’s greatest challenges until we take bold action. This is a unifying notion everywhere but in Congress itself – where too many benefit from and even depend on the uninterrupted flow of special interest money. Rest assured, however, I will continue my efforts to get dark money out of politics and ensure that the American electorate is empowered to affect change in this country, not the special interests. That is how we can begin to repair our broken politics and restore faith in our government.

A Disappointing Delay

Speaking of restoring Americans’ faith our government, as one of only about 10 Members of Congress to have placed my assets in a qualified blind trust, I believe that allowing members of Congress to trade stocks is a blatant betrayal of the public trust and must be prohibited immediately. I am extremely disappointed by House leadership’s failure to hold a vote on Congressional stock trading restrictions before we returned home for the October district work period. Banning members of Congress from trading stocks will inspire movement towards greater transparency and accountability in Congress – something for which I have long advocated - and delaying a vote on legislation to achieve this is a dereliction of duty. Still, there is sufficient support on both sides of the aisle - and among the American public – to ensure action is taken soon, and so I remain optimistic.

Donuts with Dean

Welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job. That's why I was thrilled to have a group of insightful and engaged constituents at the Capitol last week for another “Donuts with Dean” gathering, held weekly when the House is in session. After some great conversation, we ended our time together with a tour of the Capitol - and even had a rare opportunity to enjoy the unforgettable view from the Speaker’s balcony!  

Meeting with these extraordinary constituents and fellow Minnesotans was the highlight of my week. There’s nothing like a dose of Minnesota nice to brighten my day! 

If you will be traveling to Washington, DC, we'd love the opportunity share some conversation - and donuts! – while you’re in town. Click here for more information, including resources that might be helpful in planning your next visit to our nation’s capital. 

Finally, to all who observe Yom Kippur, I join you in this time of self-reflection and in recommitting to doing better in the year ahead. May your fast be meaningful, and may we all unite in the solemn pursuit of freedom and justice for all in the year ahead.

Keep the faith and keep in touch,


Dean Phillips
Member of Congress


Bill of the Week

✔️ H.R. 7780, the Mental Health Matters Act

I believe we must improve the quality and accessibility of our mental health services, fund research on effective prevention and treatment of mental illness, and work to remove the stigma surrounding mental health – and any decisive action to that end is a worthwhile investment. That's why I was proud to vote for and help pass, H.R. 7780 the Mental Health Matters Act in the House. This bill helps confront the mental health crisis by increasing access to support, services, and resources for children, students, workers, and families.  


                                        Resources For You

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  1. Register to vote: Democracy doesn’t work without engaged citizens like you. Registering to vote in Minnesota is simple and secure. Check your registration status, see who is on your ballot, and make a plan to vote at MNvotes.org.
  2. Find savings near you: From gas to groceries, and childcare to healthcare, I’m hearing from Minnesotans who are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of essentials. Visit phillips.house.gov/inflation to find lower prices near you.
  3. Nominate a Vietnam-era veteran: As a Gold Star Son and Member of Congress, I’m honoring Vietnam-era veterans in our area. Visit phillips.house.gov/Vietnam to nominate the veteran in your life for an official commemoration. 
  4. Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  5. Get your FDA-approved bivalent booster shot: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 12+ is eligible for the new booster, so visit https://mn.gov/booster to find yours.
  6. Donuts with Dean: Welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job. Let my office know if you'll be traveling to Washington, we'd love the opportunity share some conversation, and donuts, next time you’re in town!  

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Phone: (202) 225-2871
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Phone: (952) 656-5176