Government overspending and short-sighted economic policies have created a painful recession, unprecedented inflation, supply chain disruptions, and a labor market crisis. That is why you are seeing prices skyrocket on everything from basic goods to groceries to gas… if you can even find the food and supplies you need.

Overall, today you pay 9.1% more for items than you did one year ago… and it’s only going to get worse.

The only way Washington politicians will learn that spending sprees have real consequences is if YOU speak up. Share your story of how rising costs and supply shortages are impacting you.


“To put it plainly: ESG is damaged goods. It isn't the glitzy branding that needs retooling; it's the product that's spoiled and rotten. The sooner corporations abandon ESG and readopt their original mission statement, the better off the American economy.”
 - Gabriella Hoffman, IWF Senior Fellow ESG’s Toxic Brand Isn’t Salvageable


Lead Bans Discourage Americans From Going Fishing and Hunting

The Biden administration recently enacted a rule change banning lead bullets and tackle usage on 18 national wildlife refuges spanning 38,000 acres opened to new fishing and hunting opportunities. If left in place, the final rule would entirely phase out lead usage on new openings by 2026. In states where 100% lead bans have gone into effect — namely California — the effects have been ruinous. Learn more.
Media Spotlight

Fox News @ Night | Biden Exaggerates Gas Price Cuts Watch

Cavuto: Coast to Coast | Putin Annexes Four Ukrainian Territories Watch

Daily Caller | Biden Has Transformed America’s Oil Industry Into His Own Pinata Read


Do Double Mastectomies Make Girls Happier?

The subjects of a Northwestern Medicine study, who were ages 13 to 24, were asked how they felt about having elective double mastectomies. Although the headline and content of a recent CBS News article claims the 36 girls surveyed experienced improved “quality of life” after their breasts were removed, the study did not analyze the subjects’ levels of depression, anxiety, or suicidality before and after the surgeries, nor explore any measures that were not focused on the patients’ thoughts about their breasts and whether their “external appearance represents their gender identity.” Read more.

To learn more about the devastating impact of gender ideology on families and young women, read and watch the stories told in IWF’s powerful Identity Crisis series


Connect With Dr. Ben Carson

Good news for parents! Neurosurgeon, professor, author, and former Cabinet Secretary Ben Carson has created a new, free-of-charge, K-5 educational curriculum. Little Patriots is a free online learning curriculum designed to help teach children about American values with an emphasis on faith, liberty, and community.

Join Ben Carson for an IWN Newsmaker Chat on Wednesday, October 19 at 10:00 a.m. ET.



Gun Control Doesn’t Keep Us Safer

We can all agree that we want to see fewer mass killings and less gun violence. The question is whether stricter gun-control laws will improve the situation or make it worse. Because of the politicized nature of gun policy, it’s essential to get past the rhetoric and sift through the facts to answer that question.

Can you guess which of the following is not true about gun control?

A. New gun control legislation will reduce crime.
B. More guns in more public places leads to less gun violence.
C. There are far more defensive gun uses than murders in a given year.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Laura Carno, executive director of FASTER Colorado, joins the podcast to talk guns and safety. She exposes the realities of increasing crime across the country, the common misperceptions about gun control, the solutions that have worked, and why public safety should be the first responsibility of elected officials. Listen here.
Available on your favorite podcast apps: 
  • Next Episode: Coming up, Meghan McCain, public figure and daughter of the late John McCain, joins the program to discuss the decision to leave "The View", freedom in America and the never-ending COVID emergency, border crisis, and crime crisis. Tune in here.


Parents Were Demonized for Demanding Schools Reopen Sooner. Now, We Know They Were Right

The National Center for Education Statistics recently released its assessment of reading and math scores for America’s 9-year-old students. This year, average scores fell 5 points in reading and 7 points in math compared with 2020. It’s the largest decline in reading scores in three decades and the first drop in math ever recorded.


Proposed NLRB Joint Employer Rule Would Undermine Franchise Businesses

A proposed rule change could imperil the future of franchise businesses in America. The Democrat-controlled National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) to expand the definition of a “joint-employer” under the Fair Labor Standards Act. If implemented, this rule change would make it harder for corporations to partner with individuals who desire to operate a franchise.

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