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Friend --
It’s October! And I’ve got good news to share:
is back (see old photo of me dressed as a councilmember with a
princess), among a host of fun events happening this month. As I’ve mentioned in recent
newsletters, we’re in the final stretch to get bills passed
at the Council this session.
It’s pencils down at the end of this calendar year, and then anything
that doesn’t pass has to start over again in January. So we’re
moving bills – a lot of bills – and I’m
including summaries of many of them below because they’re good bills that will help make life better for
residents. At
the same time, life doesn’t slow
down in Ward 6,
so I’m including plenty of news items about the Ward. As always,
thanks for reading!
Quick Links: Metro for DC |
WMATA Fare Enforcement | Public Safety Update | Southeast Library | Racial Justice Bills | DCPS Visitor Policy | Protecting Seniors | Voting in the District | November General Election | Boosters and Flu Shots | School Immunizations | Free School Vaccine Clinics |
Monkeypox Vaccine Clinics | Pediatric Health Town Hall | Director of Office of Deaf, Deafblind and
Hard of Hearing | H St. Murals | Outdoor Movies | Zero
Waste DC | SW Cleanup | Florida Ave Construction | Wharf 5-Year Anniversary | SW Mutt Strutt | Hilloween | Free Fresh
Produce | Utility Disconnections | Constituent Services
Metro For DC Passes Committee Vote!

I'm very excited
to share that last week, the Council's Committee on Transportation
and the Environment unanimously
passed my Metro For DC bill (NBC 4), a big step toward making it
law! I first introduced the bill just days before the pandemic hit. At
the time, I felt it was an important idea to invest more in our
community and make public transit free or a heck of a lot cheaper.
Now, more than two years later, I think it's imperative to WMATA's
recovery and our region's.
As a quick reminder, the bill has two parts: first, it would
allow any DC resident to sign up to receive a monthly balance of $100
loaded onto their registered SmarTrip card. Second, it would create a
$10 million annual Transit Equity Fund to improve bus and transit
service in the District, starting in neighborhoods in which WMATA has
historically underinvested.
The bill passed the Committee with only one significant
change: it made the benefit universal to all DC residents immediately.
We had initially drafted the bill in a way that could be rolled out
first to lower-income residents, but always with a goal of getting it
to everyone. I’m fully supportive of the change. We don't means test
our sidewalks or roads. We don't means test our schools or libraries.
And we shouldn't means test our public transit if we believe it's
truly a public good, which I do.
This bill comes at a critical time. WMATA faces a budget
shortfall as federal pandemic funding ends. I have no doubt that the
recovery, and future, of the District is going to be tied to WMATA’s
success. At the same time, as we strive to make WMATA more affordable
for District residents, that can’t come at the expense of good,
reliable service. That’s why this bill provides the balance to the
customer, not to WMATA. That way WMATA needs to earn riders with its
service, in addition to the Transit Equity Fund's investment directly
into better bus improvements.
Next steps? It needs to pass a similar mark-up in the
Committee of the Whole, and then it would head to the full Council
later this fall. Once it passes, the work of funding and
implementation begin. So, we’re still a ways away from this being
operational, but this is a big step in the right direction. I
discussed the bill and what’s next on the second half of last week’s
Nnamdi Show. Read more: Washington
Post | DCist |
Greater Washington
WMATA To Step Up Fare Evasion Enforcement
At the same time that I believe in my Metro for DC proposal
and that transit is a public good, I also believe that everyone needs
to pay their fare. I’ve been encouraged by the balanced tone the new
General Manager has struck in recognizing that many residents have to
depend on public transit, regardless of their ability to pay, with
ensuring we have a system everyone supports. We're going to see
announcements in the coming days from WMATA about new fare evasion
enforcement efforts, like civil tickets, which will hopefully also
include common sense design changes we can make to discourage
To be clear, I don't support criminal penalties for
fare evasion, and the Council passed Councilmember Trayon White's
legislation to shift from a criminal to a civil ticketing system a few
years ago out of recognition of the serious consequences of criminal
tickets on people's futures. Criminal citations were actually legal
arrests that could bar you from lifetime financial aid, access to
jobs, and public housing...all over a $2 fare. So we now have civil
fine authority in DC, just like for parking or most traffic tickets.
Although the Council gave WMATA all the tools it needed to set up the
new civil ticketing system with the District, they hadn't acted since
the law passed, but we've learned they're soon to roll out what that
will look like.
Public Safety Update
Last newsletter, I
revisited the changes I led the Council in making in 2018 to reform
the Youth Rehabilitation Act, a sentencing law for
young adults. Part of my reforms called for an analysis of how the law
was being used over time and whether it was successful. Well, the most
recent study by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council was just
released the other day. It goes into a deep analysis with data from
MPD, the Courts, and other criminal justice agencies. You
can read it here.
Without getting too wonky, there are two important parts to
the reformed "YRA". First, I changed the law so that judges can now
decide to give a young person an appropriate sentence based on the
specific facts of the case and the young person. Second, the law gives
that young person the chance to get their record sealed - a "benefit"
of the YRA - after they complete their sentence, rather than during
the initial sentencing process in the courtroom. Judges don't have a
crystal ball at the time of sentencing to know whether a young person
will be successful down the road, so this both gives judges discretion
and creates a "carrot" for the young person on the other end. The
purpose of the law and the reforms we made were to hold people
accountable, help them rehabilitate after doing harm, and prevent them
from reoffending. All of which make us safer as community.
The new analysis is really fascinating and, in short, shows
us the reforms are working. Looking at two years' worth of recent
cases, the data clearly show that being sentenced and going on to earn
a set aside (that carrot) under the YRA has been effective in reducing
reoffending for young people, compared to young people who weren't
sentenced under the law. And in particular, the biggest decrease in
reoffending is of young people between ages 22-25, which was an
expansion under the reforms. But this also makes sense. When we use
smart tools to hold young people accountable when they do harm, and
also give them the opportunity and incentives for rehabilitation and
tools to get back on their feet, it can dramatically reduce
reoffending. It means it's good for community safety, as well as
getting that young person's life back on track - in short, a second
chance. I won’t dig into the entire report here but urge you to check
it out for yourself.
Public safety remains front of mind in our
neighborhoods. I’m talking with neighbors, meeting with resident
groups, and partnering with MPD, ONSE, and every other agency about
steps needed. And my constituent services team is working with MPD and
DDOT and DPW to make physical space improvements in hot spot areas –
improving lighting, cleaning up trash, and even installing speed bumps
can help be a deterrence.
I’d also note a host of legislation I’ve moved out of
Committee passed on first vote just yesterday. That includes my
Supports for Crime Victims Amendment Act, which is a
historic expansion of support and help to victims of crime. I talk
with victims and survivors of crime regularly, and too often, they're
locked out of the help they need to heal from the harm they've
experienced. This legislation includes expanding who can benefit from
the crime victims compensation program, laying the groundwork for more
counselors to work with victims, giving victims greater legal rights,
ensuring MPD can respond immediately to a stalker violating a victim's
stay away order, and strengthening the District’s hospital-based
violence intervention programs. All of this is the right thing to do
to help our victims and survivors, and it will also help make our
community safer because working with victims and making sure the
system works for them is an important way we break cycles of
The Latest Southeast Library Designs Look Fantastic

On Thursday evening, I joined neighbors in the basement of
the Southeast Neighborhood Library to see the latest, and near final,
designs for our new Southeast Branch Library. And they look wonderful!
I’m glad the architecture firm has taken seriously concerns around
noise and lighting for neighbors. The design itself is fantastic – and
includes a near tripling of dedicated space for a children's section,
significant increases in space for adults and people needing access to
computers, tons of light and air throughout, an improved meeting room,
an enhanced historic entrance off of 7th Street SE, and a new ground
level entrance on South Carolina Avenue to meet
accessibility requirements. Check
out the latest images here. What do you think? Please
let me know! The timeline is on pace for the library to temporarily
close next year, with construction taking about two years, and a
reopening of the new library branch in early 2025. We're still working
with DCPL about how to create interim access and uses, including
picking up your favorite holds, nearby in the neighborhood during
A Trio of Racial Justice Bills Move Out of Committee,
Pass First Vote
I want to share information about three bills I moved through
the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety in recent days that
are going to have a big impact in reducing racial inequity in the
legal system.
First, just last week, the Committee advanced the Stormiyah
Denson-Jackson Economic Damages Equity Act, which bans the
practice of reducing lawsuit payouts based on race, gender, and other
protected traits to plaintiffs who have been significantly harmed or
even lost a loved one. Currently, when calculating money damages in
personal injury and wrongful death cases, courts use statistical
tables that literally value the future economic worth of Black and
Brown people, women, and transgender residents less, compared
to white men, mostly based around existing pay gaps for those
populations. For example, a Black woman with a college degree will
earn an average of $1.2 million over her lifetime, compared to the
$2.3 million earned by a white man. I'm happy to report that practice
of valuing some lives less than others will soon end in the District
under the bill.
Early in September, I led the Committee to advance a
different bill
that puts in place stronger protections for people selling an
inherited home or property when a will wasn't left behind. The problem
we’re trying to solve is a familiar one: a home, often the source of a
family’s wealth, might have many family members who legally own a
piece of it when their loved one passes. Often, one of those family
members will either force the sale of the home or sell their stake to
a third-party, who then forces the sale of the whole. The other
members of the family have little ability to stop the sale or get a
fair market value. The bill we passed puts in place much stronger
protections in these cases to at least ensure if a sale moves forward,
it does so fairly. And it gives family members first right of refusal
to buy the home. This practice - called the partition of "heirs'
property" - has led to incredible amounts of Black land and wealth
loss across the country and here at home, as Black families are much
less likely to have attorneys and much more likely to die without
Third, the Committee passed my
bill making it easier for low-income people to have court fees
waived in civil cases, including landlord-tenant, family law,
employment, and domestic violence cases. These filing fees - an
annoyance for some - are outright barriers to access to justice for
lower-income residents. Because if you can’t afford the fees, your
rights don't have much meaning. This bill will make more
people eligible for fee waivers out of the gate, based on their
participation in other social services programs like
Each of these bills, on its own, is going to make a
difference in the lives of District residents, and particularly
residents of color. But together, they'll reduce systemic racial
inequities and make our justice system work better for
Updated DCPS School Visitor Policy
I heard from several concerned parents before the start of
the fall semester about restrictions on visiting schools hindering the
ability to meet your kids' friends, teachers, other parents, and
generally foster strong school communities. We have good news!
Beginning Monday, October 3, DCPS has returned to its pre-pandemic
School Visitor Policy, allowing for parents and caregivers to visit
their child’s school. You will still need to follow previously
established protocols like showing ID and signing in. Learn
more, and read the full policy
Strengthening Powers of Attorney to Protect Seniors
We recently passed another important bill out of the
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety (you might be noticing a
theme here) to strengthen
the baseline protections for powers of attorney to better serve
seniors and other vulnerable residents. A power of attorney is a legal
tool that allows a third-party to act on your behalf in financial and
other serious legal matters – and handing over that power can come
with terrible consequences, if done without safeguards. So we passed a
bill, working closely with the AARP and Legal Counsel for the Elderly,
to put in place better protections to guard against elder
Voting in the District Keeps Getting Better
We’ve seen that District residents just love mail-in voting.
This new option has led to a huge surge in ballots cast and those cast
by mail, when comparing the primary election this past spring with the
same off-cycle primary from 2018: in 2022, we saw a whopping 42%
increase in ballots cast – and nearly 2/3 of voters used a mail-in
ballot, rather than a traditional, in-person polling place. I’m happy
to say my
bill making mail-in voting and many other election improvements from
the pandemic permanent passed unanimously out of Committee and on
first vote at the full Council yesterday. You won’t notice a big
difference from this past spring’s primary election, however, as much
of the bill has been in effect through temporary legislation to give
the Board of Elections this kind of authority.
Also on the voting front, the Committee passed the Local
Resident Voting Rights Act, which would extend the right to vote
in local elections (Mayor, Council, AG, State Board of Education, and
ANC) to all residents, regardless of their citizenship. The bill had
been introduced many times before, but most recently by Councilmember
Brianne Nadeau. Non-citizens would still need to register and meet the
exact same residency and age requirements as all other voters, and the
Board of Elections would provide them with a local election
ballot. Our non-citizen neighbors still pay taxes, raise their
children here, run local businesses, and are governed by the laws
passed by their representatives. They should have a seat at the table,
and we'll all be better for it. We aren’t nearly the first
jurisdiction in the country to consider this. And besides, I think DC
residents know a little something about taxation without
representation. One note: the bill does have a cost, so
it'll need to be funded in the budget before taking effect (so to be
clear, this isn't in effect for next month's general
Related: Here’s How to Vote in the November General
The November General Election is right around the corner! As
I mentioned above, we have several accessible and secure ways to vote
here in the District. Check your mailbox this week because ballots
will be arriving soon! Ballot drop boxes open October 14. Make sure
you have all the details, starting with these
There’s still time to register
to vote. Register before
October 18 to receive a
mail-in ballot or register in person at any Vote Center during Early
Voting (October 31-November 6) or on Election Day (November 8). Voter
registration and proof of address requirements are here.
Voter registration forms in languages other than English are here.
your voter registration
status and update
it to make sure you receive your mail-in ballot at
the correct address.
You don’t need to request a
ballot for the General Election, but you
can change
the address where you want it sent. The Board is
mailing all registered voters a ballot with a pre-paid return
envelope. Follow the instructions included
with your ballot.
Voters should consult
the Board of Elections’ map to find Vote Centers and
Ballot Drop Boxes near them.
Vote early in one of four
Return your ballot quickly by mail – no postage required. Leave
plenty of time for your ballot to reach the
Board. Ballots must be postmarked on or before Election
Day (November 8), and they must be received by the Board no later than
November 15.
Return your ballot in one of the Board’s 55 secure
drop boxes across the District until 8 p.m. on
Election Day
Drop off your ballot at any Vote
Center from 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. during “Election
Week” (October 31-November 6) and from 7 a.m. – 8
p.m. on Election Day (November 8)
Vote early in person at any Vote Center during “Election Week”
(October 31-November 6) from 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Voters can vote at any
Vote Center during Election Week, regardless of residential address
within the District. Early
Voting Vote Center Locations.
If you choose to vote in-person on Election Day, plan ahead!
Bring water, snacks, and a mask, and dress comfortably. The polls will
be open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Voters can vote at any Vote Center on
Election Day, regardless of residential address within the
District. Vote
Center Locations on Election Day.
Second Boosters and Flu Shots Available
Great news! The Bivalent COVID boosters (also known as the
Omicron boosters, targeting the BA.4 and BA.5 variants) are now
available at DC
Health COVID Centers and pharmacies throughout the
District. And now that we’re heading into fall, flu season is also
right around the corner, so you can save time and get both your COVID
booster and flu shot together. Last week COVID Centers had run out of
flu vaccine, but they are back in stock. Here's the latest vaccine and
booster guidance
from the CDC:
- People ages 6 months through 4 years should get all COVID-19
primary series doses.
- People ages 5 years and older should get all primary series
doses, and the booster dose recommended for them by CDC, if
- People ages 5 years to 11 years are currently recommended to
get the original (monovalent) booster.
People ages 12 years and older are recommended to receive one
updated Pfizer or Moderna (bivalent) booster. This
includes people who have received all primary series doses and people
who have previously received one or more original (monovalent)
- At this time, people aged 12 years to 17 years can only
receive the updated Pfizer bivalent booster.
People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised
different recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines,
including boosters.
With most schools back in person and the weather cooling off,
both COVID and the flu are expected to circulate more this fall and
winter. Make sure to protect yourself and your community and get your
shots! Here
are locations near Ward 6 offering the
DC Health continues to operate COVID Centers in each Ward.
You can receive free masks, vaccines + boosters, and testing. The Ward
6 location is on Barracks Row at 507 8th St., SE. Hours
and other locations here.
Deadline for School Immunizations Pushed Back
Speaking of shots, the deadline I emphasized previously for
getting your kids their routine pediatric immunizations (RPI) and
COVID vaccines for school has been pushed back. Originally, kids had
to provide immunization records within 20 days of school starting. The
new guidance is as follows:
For RPIs (excluding the COVID vaccine), pre-K to 5th graders
must be vaccinated by October 11.
6th-12th graders need to be vaccinated for their RPIs (excluding
COVID) by November 4.
All students 12 and older must be vaccinated for COVID by
January 3, 2023.
Visit https://dcpsstrong.com/vaccines/
for more details.
Free Childhood Vaccination Clinics
To ensure no kids in the District are excluded from school
due to vaccine noncompliance, DC Health and Children’s National
Hospital will offer free childhood vaccines at five clinics across the
city from October 3 to November 18, 2022. They'll be operating
Monday–Friday from 8am–4pm. The clinic appointments are expected to be
in high demand, so families should first contact their regular
pediatrician if they have one. The five Children’s National clinic
locations are:
THEARC: 1801 Mississippi Ave., SE
(1st Floor)
Columbia Heights: 3336 14th St.,
Shepherd Park: 7125 13th Pl.,
Shaw Metro: 641 S St.,
Anacostia: 2101 Martin Luther King
Jr Ave., SE
here to learn more.
Monkeypox Vaccine Clinics Now Walk-Up Only
DC Health announced on September 23 that residents will no
longer need to pre-register for monkeypox vaccines, and the three
vaccine clinics will shift to a walk-up only services. Eligible
individuals can visit any of the three DC Health monkeypox clinics for
their first and second doses. The clinics’ locations and hours are:
Ward 2: 1900 I St NW (12-8pm,
Ward 4: 7530 Georgia Ave NW (12-8pm,
Ward 8: 3640 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE (12-8pm,
For more info on vaccines and latest case data in the
District, visit: https://dchealth.dc.gov/page/monkeypox.
Pediatric Health Town Hall
Have questions about any of the kids vaccines and health updates
above? Join the American Academy of Pediatrics and and DC Health
tomorrow at noon for a free virtual Pediatric Health
Town Hall and hear directly from medical experts. Link
to Register.
Hearing on First Ever Director of the Office of Deaf,
Deafblind and Hard of Hearing
Just a quick note to share the Council held its first-ever
confirmation hearing to consider a nominee to head the newly-created
Office of Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing, Kari
Cooke. You can watch her hearing here.
This Office was created by legislation I wrote working closely with
our residents who are deaf, deafblind, and/or hard of hearing to make
DC government work better for them and meet their needs. I'm excited
to finally see it get up and running. It's an important moment for our
city, which has such a rich deaf or hard-of-hearing community.
New Murals Unveiled in H St. “Allery”

Recently, I joined the Department of Public Works and the
Commission on Arts and Humanities to celebrate the
15th Anniversary of the MuralsDC
initiative. We unveiled 10 new murals by DC artists in
the alley art gallery - or the “allery” - between H Street Country
Club and Atlas Performing Arts Center. Check out some
photos above and this quick
video tour of the beautiful new pieces
highlighting DC culture and history. And make sure to go see them next
time you’re in the H St.
Upcoming Outdoor Movies
Summer might be over, but there are still a few outdoor movie
nights remaining! The weather looks fantastic headed to the weekend,
so don't miss these great opportunities to join some neighbors
outdoors. Check them out:
- NoMa BID's CiNoMatic
Wednesday night movie series at Alethia Tanner Park (okay, this is
technically in Ward 5, but Ward 6 you're welcome to take a super quick
trip up the Met Branch Trail to join in):
October 5: Encanto – 7:15pm
October 12: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone –
in Milian Wednesdays in Milian Park in Mt. Vernon
Triangle, put on by the Mt. Vernon Triangle
October 12: Coco – Sundown/Approx. 7pm

Zero Waste DC Virtual Community Event
Do you have a burning passion to see less waste and more
recycling and reusing? DPW's Office of Waste Diversion is continuing
to seek public input in developing its Zero Waste DC Plan. DPW is
encouraging Ward 6 residents to join a virtual community engagement
session on October 24 from 6-8pm. You can register
here and learn more about the Zero
Waste DC plan.
Get Involved: Southwest Cleanup this Saturday
Our next Southwest cleanup in partnership with MPD is coming
up on Saturday! We'll be getting started a little earlier, but this is
a great way to kick off your weekend and meet some neighbors. Join us
on October 8th at King-Greenleaf Rec Center
at 9 am. We’ll have plenty of gloves and other needed supplies. Please
contact Jeanne Mattison
on my team if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Florida Ave NE Construction Underway At Last
Northeast neighbors: this week, the District Department of
Transportation began a construction project on Florida Avenue NE
between 2nd and H Streets NE (see map). The
project will add streetscape and operational enhancements to improve
safety and access for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit
along the corridor. This is the permanent version of the temporary
improvements I pushed through a few years ago to immediately address
safety concerns. It's been a long time coming, and while I know there
are going to be headaches while the work happens, we're going to be
glad with the final product. The team at DDOT is going door-to-door
sharing information on the project with residents and businesses who
will be affected by the construction. You can learn more and subscribe
to receive updates on the project at https://floridaavene-streetscape.ddot.dc.gov/
The Wharf Five Year Anniversary Celebration
Come celebrate the five-year anniversary of The Wharf’s grand
opening on October 12 from 5-8pm! There will be live music, pop-up
entertainment, specials at Wharf restaurants and businesses, and a
fireworks finale over the Washington Channel. Learn
more, and see the full event schedule.
Southwest DC Mutt Strutt this weekend!
Looking for something fun to do this Saturday with
your four-legged friends after the Southwest cleanup? Join the
Southwest Community Center and the Southwest BID from 11am-2pm for
this year's Mutt Strutt! It’s a roughly 2-mile walk around the
neighborhood, ending at Lansburgh Park, for a party that will include
a raffle, pet-friendly vendors, a pet photographer, and a pet costume
contest (that a certain Ward 6 Councilmember may or may not be
judging). More
info, and registration details here.

October is here, which means the best Halloween festival in
DC is right around the corner! That’s right, HILLOWEEN
is back on Friday, October 29, from 5:30-7:30pm! Join me and your
neighbors at Eastern Market (indoors and outdoors) for trick or
treating, face painting, glitter tattoos, a 360 Photo Booth, pumpkin
decorating, games, prizes, and more.
Capital Area Food Bank Community Marketplace
From 8:30-10:30am on the first Saturday of every month, the
Capital Area Food Bank will be distributing fresh seasonal produce at
no cost at the Rosedale Recreation Center (1701 Gales Street NE) for
residents in need of assistance. Spread the word to those in your
community who may benefit!
Alert from OPC About Utility Disconnections
The Office of the People’s Counsel for DC has flagged some
utility disconnections that occurred in July and August. This is due
to the moratoriums on disconnections in place because of the pandemic
ending, as well as seasonal temperature laws that prohibit
disconnections when the heat index is over 95 degrees. If you’ve
received a notice of intent to disconnect or are behind on utility
bill payments, act soon to avoid any service
shutoffs. If you’re unable to make your regular
payments, contact the utility company to ask about a payment plan and
inform them of any special circumstances (like a resident with medical
equipment that needs electricity). If you’re unable to arrange a
payment plan, contact OPC at 202-727-307 before
your service has been
My Constituent Services Team Can Help
Finally, I want to shout out my constituent services team of
Jeanne Mattison, Jen DeMayo, and Kimberly Kennedy for their work in
service to Ward 6 neighbors. Just the last month, the team helped a
homeless senior move into her own home, connected a resident to
overdue unemployment benefits, helped get a library card fixed, fought
to fix incorrect tax classifications, got sidewalks repaired, and so
much more. I share all of this both to ensure this often invisible job
doesn't go unnoticed, and to be sure you know they
are here to help you if you need assistance with any issues with
DC Government.
Thanks so much for reading along this week. As always, feel
free to reach out to me or my team if you have any questions or
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen