Detroit DSA is a 800+ member funded organization. We receive no money from outside sources so we can say things like "Defund the Police" and "Abolish ICE" without losing funding, and we will always act democratically in the interests of our members and the working class! If you're able to, we ask that you make monthly contributions as they more directly benefit our chapter. Thank you for whatever amount you're able to contribute!

Our records indicate that you are not yet a member. If you're ready to join us in the fight for the working class, go to and join today!
If you believe you are receiving this message in error, reach out to [email protected] to check your membership status.

Comrade Friend --

At last weekend's General Membership Meeting, we voted on two campaign proposals - Wayne State YDSA's "Save Our Campus" and "Towards Freedom to Move and Freedom to Choose in the State of Michigan"

Results of the campaign proposal votes

Should Metro Detroit DSA endorse the Wayne State YDSA “Save Our Campus” campaign?

There are 2 candidates competing for 1 seats. The number of voters is 87 and
there were 87 valid votes and 0 empty votes.

Counting votes using Plurality/FPTP/SNTV.

Candidate | Count
      YES |    73
       NO |    14

Proposal PASSES


"Towards Freedom to Move and Freedom to Choose in the State of Michigan"  Campaign Endorsement

There are 2 candidates competing for 1 seats. The number of voters is 106 and
there were 106 valid votes and 0 empty votes.

Counting votes using Plurality/FPTP/SNTV.

Candidate | Count
      YES |    84
       NO |    22

Proposal PASSES


If you'd like to get involved with either of these campaigns, you can sign the Wayne State YDSA's petition to support them and receive notifications about upcoming events, and fill out this Google Form to get plugged in with the Transit Campaign!

Read on for other ways to get involved in our chapter - including the return of in-person Socialist Night School, Trivia Night, and canvasses for Proposal 3 to protect reproductive rights!

Solidarity forever, 

Detroit DSA




Socialist Night School: Why We're Socialists
Thursday, October 6th 7-9PM
Sicily's Pizza
3554 Vernor Hwy, Detroit 48216

Political Education is happy to announce the return of the in-person Socialist Night School Classes, which went remote after COVID. The classes will be held at Sicily's Pizza, feel free to come get a slice, join the discussion with a variety of facilitators and topics! The first class is on, "Why We're Socialists and Not Progressives".



Trivia Night
Friday, October 7th 6:30-8:30PM
RSVP for Address!

Join your DSA comrades for a fun night of team trivia, pizza, and drinks, hosted by comrade Ben! This event is open to everybody - your friends and loved ones are welcome to join. It's a great chance to meet other members from the Royal Oak and Ferndale area, and get to know your comrades!



Yes on Prop 3 Canvasses
Saturday, October 8th, 1-4PM (Pleasant Ridge)
Sunday, October 9th, 1-4PM (Westland)
RSVP for Addresses!

We have two Yes on Prop 3 canvasses scheduled this weekend! This is a great opportunity to meet supporters and get them involved in our Repro Rights Committee, including our propaganda and research subcommittees.

Join us this weekend for a canvass in your community and motivate people to vote yes on Proposal 3 and help us continue the fight for reproductive rights after the election!

Pleasant Ridge Canvass

Westland Canvass


Steering Committee Meeting
Sunday, October 16th, 11AM-1PM

Our October Steering Committee Meeting will be held in-person before a canvass launch. Location and agenda TBD. All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend!


Freedom to Move and Choose Canvass
Saturday, October 22nd, 11AM-2PM
Location TBD

A canvass is being planned for Saturday, October 22nd to talk to voters about supporting the SMART millage as well as Prop 3! For now, fill out our Google Form to receive updates on this campaign.


In solidarity,

🌹 Detroit DSA

Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America · United States
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