but we aren't stopping our fight to protect and expand the right to vote either

Every. Single. Vote. is a non-profit organization that's fighting to make voting easier and more accessible through statewide ballot measures. We really hope you'll decide to join our fight, however, if you no longer wish to receive email updates, you can unsubscribe here.

Recent analysis by the Brennan Institute for Justice found the Voting Rights Act is at risk of being hollowed out, thanks to our current Supreme Court.


After chipping away at the Voting Rights Act in 2013 and 2021 decisions, the Supreme Court may now get rid of the VRA's seminal protections against racial gerrymandering.

While such an outcome is as frustrating as it is challenging – we cannot relent in our fight for the right to vote.


With insufficient action at the federal level and an adversarial judiciary, the most effective way we can protect and expand our voting rights are at the state and local level.


We are supporting a pro-voting ballot initiative in Michigan and standing against an anti-voting ballot initiative in Arizona. If you want to support our efforts in top battleground states please chip in today >>


The fight for our most fundamental right to vote is too important to give up and it won’t be won overnight – we must remember that we are not powerless.


Join us in our fight to protect and expand voting rights by supporting our voting rights offensive today >>

Thank you!




At Every. Single. Vote., we believe that voting should be easy and accessible. That's why we're on a mission to help pass statewide ballot props that expand voting access. However, our work is powered by grassroots donations from people like yourself. Will you pitch in $5, $15, or $25 right now to help us create equitable access to the ballot? 




Paid for by Every. Single. Vote.




Every. Single. Vote.

2120 University Ave.

Berkeley, CA 94704

United States