

The PM said she was in favour of “growth, growth, growth” in her speech to Conservative party conference today.


After causing weeks of financial turmoil and economic chaos through incompetence and ideological zeal, she vowed to plough ahead with plans to ‘Get Britain Moving’.


She lauded plans to open more gas fields in the North Sea and roll out investment zones across the country to cut down on red tape and speed up development.


Without any sense of irony – given close ties between the Tory party, fossil fuel and construction industries – she derided “vested interests” and “anti-growth coalition.


The Green Party is proud to stand with the climate scientists, environmentalists and progressive movements with the courage to speak out on polices which destroy nature, accelerate climate breakdown and increase inequality.


We support a shift away from a narrow focus on economic growth to living within our means and putting people and planet before profit.


Support our campaign for a Fairer Greener Country.

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The Green Party