We need everyone to chip in.

Elect Katie Hobbs


Time is of the essence, so we’ll keep this quick – we’re in the midst of a pivotal moment in Arizona after a judge just reinstated a pre-statehood abortion ban.

This is a TOTAL ban with required jail time for doctors, pharmacists and other medical providers. There are no exceptions for rape or incest. Don’t just take our word for it – champions of this ruling are calling it a total abortion ban.

John, we can’t afford to waste any time. Right now, voters are being notified their mail-in ballots are on the way and more than 85% of Arizonans vote by mail. We need you to split a donation between Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, the Arizona Democratic Party, the ADLCC, and Adrian Fontes right now so we can turn Arizona completely blue and restore our rights.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, Adrian Fontes, Arizona Democratic Party and ADLCC will go through immediately:

We can’t let this stand. Fighting back will require winning elections on several fronts and we’re only going to get there if everyone chips in right now.

Here’s how we get Arizona out of the 1800s and back in the 2000s:

  • We elect Katie Hobbs as Arizona’s next governor. Katie Hobbs will do whatever it takes to repeal the draconian 1901 law and restore our reproductive freedoms. She will never be afraid to use her veto pen to block any legislation that compromises the right to safe, legal abortion care and will work tirelessly to stop these unprecedented attacks and secure women’s rights for the next generation of Arizonans.
  • We elect Kris Mayes as the next attorney general of Arizona. Kris Mayes believes Arizona’s Constitution privacy clause overrides this abortion ban. She’s pledged to use the AZ Constitution in court to argue against it and will overturn the current Attorney General’s opinion of this total ban when she takes office. She will also use the AG’s office to stop local prosecutors from locking up medical providers for abortion care.
  • We flip the AZ legislature blue. Democrats are only two seats away in both the House and the Senate. A Democratic-legislature can repeal this pre-statehood total ban, other harmful laws, and re-affirm Arizonans’ right to privacy.
  • We elect Adrian Fontes as Secretary of State. He will broaden Arizona’s address confidentiality program to protect those seeking care or providing it from public harassment or arrest.

Like we said, this is an all hands on deck moment. We must try to accomplish all of these goals to ensure Arizonans aren’t stuck in the 1800s. Will you chip in and split a donation between Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, the Arizona Democratic Party, the ADLCC and Adrian Fontes right now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, Adrian Fontes, Arizona Democratic Party and ADLCC will go through immediately:

Every dollar for these campaigns and organizations will make a difference. Arizona is only the beginning. If we don’t fight to get Arizona out of the 1800s, Republicans in other states will take note and turn around to pass these bans in their states too.

Thank you for your support in helping flip AZ blue so we can restore Arizonans’ rights.

– Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, Adrian Fontes, AZ Dems and the ADLCC.