

The Ukrainian Center for Disinformation has republished its hitlist, placing Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the top, and adding 30 more people, including Tucker Carlson, Roger Waters, and even the President of Uganda.? One of the journalists added was recently attacked and is in the hospital in Turkey. There is a virtual press conference at 10:00 am on Thursday October 6, which everyone should join.? You can get the link here.?

NYC RALLY AT 3:00 - 5:00 PM

Senator Schumer must be held accountable for supporting this Nazi-like tactic of making hitlists of those who disagree with the official line.? As of this writing he has still not responded to letters from myself and military analyst Scott Ritter about whether the money he voted to send Ukraine is being used to sustain the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation.? If you are anywhere near NYC, please come out to the Thursday rally at 3:00 pm at 48th and 3rd Ave, in front of Schumer's office.? Use the RSVP to let us know you'll be there.


Click here for the rally press release. Spanish version is here.



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