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Hello John!

We're feeling optimistic here at Creative Commons as the final quarter of 2022 begins.✨
Last month, the CC team was busy facilitating and engaging in important discussions about why Better Sharing matters now, more than ever, and what that looks like in practice in different contexts, from unlocking open climate and biodiversity research for all to the future of the internet and the decentralized web ​​— keep reading for our September highlights and the exciting opportunities coming up over the next few months. 
To conclude our 20th anniversary celebrations, 🎊 Creative Commons will be hosting a series of events (in-person and virtual), as well as offering opportunities to bring together long-time community members, supporters and newcomers around the historic founding of the global digital commons. Here are the different ways you can get involved 👈.


Scroll down for the latest "Open Minds" podcast episode, RSVP details for our 20th Anniversary Celebration in San Francisco on 17 November 2022, and more.


The CC Team love_cc

*NEW* Open Minds 🎧

New Episode of “Open Minds…from Creative Commons”

On this month's episode of CC's Open Minds podcast, we're joined by art historians, Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, the co-founders and executive directors of Smarthistory, a center for public art history, with thousands of free and CC licensed videos and essays written by experts who want to share their knowledge with learners around the world. 

▶️ Listen to Episode 21 featuring Beth & Steven

CC Resources and Updates

CC Partners with SPARC and EIFL to Launch a 4-Year Open Climate Campaign

🧪 We're on a mission to make open sharing of research outputs the norm in climate science! CC, SPARC and EIFL are proud to launch a 4-year Open Climate Campaign with funding from Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. 


Creative Commons 20th Anniversary Celebration

🗓️ Join us in San Francisco on Thursday, 17 November 2022, for the Creative Commons 20th Anniversary Celebration. We will toast to the past and mobilize support for the future! Can’t be in San Francisco? Join one of our virtual CC community celebration events


Check out the NEW CC Trainings page 

🌐 We've launched a new page with a range of learning and training opportunities for the CC global community to develop open licensing expertise and understanding of recommended practices for better sharing. Choose from workshops, consulting options, lectures, and our CC Certificate courses to find what meets your needs. 
👋 Other updates: 
Stay up-to-date on our work by following @creativecommons or visiting the CC blog. You can also support our work by donating here!

Eye Candy 🍭

Every month, we change our social media headers to a new openly licensed image.

Our image from October is "Japanese Dream" by Taymaz Valley, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Download Eye Candy.
Help us make sharing better so we can build a brighter future
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CC BY 4.0

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