Great to meet you, John.
I’m Congressman Seth Moulton, and I represent Massachusetts’ 6th congressional district. I’m also a proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and wholeheartedly believe in service over self—which is why I’m so honored today to talk to you about Francis, and the big opportunity we have to flip a House seat from Red to Blue.
Today, I’m asking you to make a contribution to help elect Francis Conole—because Central New Yorkers and Americans everywhere deserve a fighter like him in their corner.
Holding onto our Democratic majority is more critical than ever. If Republicans take the House in November, we will lose progress we’ve made on crucial issues like reducing inflation, battling climate change, and creating jobs. And we’ll be blocked from making further progress in the next two years on infrastructure funding, voting rights, immigration reform, health care, and so much more.
Not to mention, more than 165 Republicans in the House have pledged to outlaw abortion nationwide.
That’s why it’s not hyperbole to say that flipping Central New York Blue is imperative to protecting our basic constitutional rights—and Francis Conole is up against a dark money Republican super PAC that has already spent nearly $1 million in this election.
I know that Francis is ready for this fight. He's taken an oath to uphold our Constitution six times before, and he knows what it takes to truly put service to others and his country ahead of himself.
Will you join me in supporting Francis’s campaign with a contribution of $10 or more right away?
There’s so much at stake here, John. We must ensure that this campaign has the resources it needs to run strong through November.
Thank you,
Seth Moulton
Congressman, Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District |