Fellow Conservatives - We really do have a good shot at a potential victory in Alaska.  We stand a decent shot of replacing RINO Lisa Murkowski with solid Conservative Republican Kelly Tshibaka.

If you want to know how promising our prospects are - consider this headline from the New York Times, which frets that Lisa Murkowski may well indeed be defeated by Conservative Republican Kelly Tshibaka:


We urgently need your support for our independent expenditure campaign to Defeat Lisa Murkowski - so we can replace her with solid Conservative Republican Kelly Tshibaka.

Please make a contribution to our independent expenditure campaign to Fire Lisa Murkowski - CLICK HERE.



Senator Lisa Murkowski has repeatedly backstabbed conservatives and the Republican Party, and she is one of Joe Biden's biggest lackeys in the U.S. Senate.  Murkowski voted in support of more Joe Biden cabinet appointees than any other Republican.
You can make a contribution to our independent expenditure campaign to Fire Lisa Murkowski - CLICK HERE.


Above:  Thousands Of Alaskans Turned Out to Oppose Murkowski's Re-Election



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