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Forest - Voice and Friend of the Smoker
Should Smoking Be Banned For Good? 

If you have a moment please check out the video of our fringe meeting at the Conservative conference in Birmingham on Monday.

'Politics and Prohibition: Should Smoking Be Banned For Good?' took place in the Think Tent marquee. 

Chaired by Forest director Simon Clark, our panellists were Baroness Fox, director, Academy of Ideas; Mark Oates, director, We Vape; and Chris Snowdon, head of the Lifestyle Economics Unit at the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Selected quotes:

Chris Snowdon on health inequalities
"The whole issue of health inequalities for years has been used as a cover for imposing the lifestyles of the upper middle class onto ordinary working class and low income people."

"I don’t have the answer, and nor does anyone else, how you can make everyone’s circumstances better, but you’re not actually helping people who are in bad circumstances by taking away the things that are making their life a little bit better every day."

Mark Oates on Britain becoming 'smoke free'
"People should be free to smoke if they so choose but government is doing a bad job of letting people know that vaping is vastly safer than smoking."

"In order to achieve what they call ‘smoke free’ you need as many options as possible. It’s not a one-trick pony. I’m a big supporter of vaping but vaping doesn’t work for everyone."

Claire Fox on poverty and individual freedom
"Poverty is grim. It’s bloody grim. If the energy that was put into stopping poor people eating the wrong food and smoking was put into building a productive economy that might mean that people were less poor we might get somewhere."

"I’m on the left and I’m far more pro-freedom than anyone I’ve met in the Conservative party … What has happened to you lot? You’ve lost your bottle, in my opinion."

To watch the video on YouTube click on the image above or below or click here.

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