In the most competitive races, every vote matters and it all comes down to turnout. Sign up for our free, virtual GOTV volunteer training tomorrow, October 6, at 8:00 p.m. ET

Arena Community,


If you haven’t already RSVP’d, there’s still time to sign up for our free, virtual GOTV volunteer training tomorrow, October 6, at 8:00 p.m. ET. This training supports Swing Left’s “The Last Weekend,” a coalition effort to organize thousands of volunteers across the country to connect with voters during the final four days before Election Day. 


Will we see you at the Arena and Swing Left GOTV training TOMORROW, October 6?

You’ll learn the most effective strategies to get voters to the polls and get a peek behind the curtain as to why those strategies work. Trainers will cover how to help voters make and execute an Election Day plan, and ensure that voters turn out to make their voices heard. Democracy is on the line in the midterms—and if we all show up, we can defeat the radical right.


In the most competitive races, every vote matters and it all comes down to turnout. Taking the time to knock on doors and call voters could mean the difference between a win and a loss. Whether you have two hours or 20 hours, your time contacting voters can make all the difference. 


Will you commit to the Arena and Swing Left GOTV training TOMORROW, October 6?


If you can't make it on October 6, please share this opportunity with others in your network. We need everyone on board to fight for our democracy in November, so click here to tweet out the invite to this amazing free training opportunity.


Thank you for being a part of this work. I’ll see you in the Arena!

Lauren Baer

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