We are gearing up for the next legislative session in Texas!
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Hey True Texans!

We are continuing our preparation for the next legislative session here in Texas, and we hope you'll join us. We say it all the time, but we'll say it again: we are building an ARMY, and we can't do it without YOUR help! We want to build and build until we are too big and too loud to be ignored by those who represent us! We hope you'll continue to participate in this effort across our great state. You can start by scrolling through these events and finding the event nearest to you that you can attend, then find one close to a friend or family member and send them the flyer or Facebook invitation.

*To save a flyer on your computer, right click and select "Save As".
*To save a flyer on your phone, hold down the image and select "Add to Photos" or "Save Image".





S   O   C   I   A   L       E   V   E   N   T   S   !
If you’re interested in organizing a social event in your area, please contact Carole Widmann at [email protected] to get one going. It's one of the EASIEST possible ways you can get involved with the most rewarding outcome!


S E E    Y O U    T H E R E !

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