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ELECTION COUNTDOWN: 35 days to 11/8/22
ISSUES: Unemployment Insurance
UNITE HERE 25 on Wes Moore
ICYMI: Recent labor election coverage
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
Hiring Hall:
Latest DC-area union staff jobs!!
Today's Labor Calendar
  mailto:click%20here%20for%20details Click here for the complete calendar and details, including all DMV-area Labor-to-Labor GOTV activities. Got something to add or update? Email us at
[link removed] Union City Radio: 7:15 am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here for today's report
Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act: Wed, October 5, 8:15am - 9:15a
Windmill Hill Park, 500 South Lee St, Alexandria ([link removed] map)
DC COPE meeting: Wed, October 5, 2pm - 3pm
[link removed] RSVP here. To access the legislative agenda form, [link removed] click here.
Tri-County COPE: Wed, October 5, 7pm - 9pm
To register for the meeting, please [link removed] click here.
ELECTION COUNTDOWN: 35 days to 11/8/22
With just over a month to go to the 2022 mid-term elections, Union City is launching a weekly round-up of DMV labor Get Out The Vote efforts, the issues affecting area working people, and labor's candidates. Comments and suggestions welcome; email Click here for [link removed] 2022 labor endorsements, and [link removed] follow us on Twitter.
ISSUES: Unemployment Insurance
At-Large DC Council member [link removed] Elissa Silverman played a pivotal role in protecting unemployed workers during the pandemic. Silverman led the passage of emergency pandemic legislation to extend unemployment benefits for workers who couldn't find jobs, giving families seven additional weeks of protection when they needed it most. She's also worked to highlight and help resolve ongoing unemployment insurance issues, including holding the administration accountable for modernizing the UI system, which the pandemic showed is in desperate need of reform. Here's more on what Silverman's [link removed] done on UI recently, her [link removed] guide to Unemployment Insurance for DC workers, and [link removed] labor's flyer for Elissa Silverman.
"We're so glad Wes took the time to learn more about the on-the-ground issues affecting hospitality workers," said Local 25 Executive Secretary-Treasurer Paul Schwalb when Maryland gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore (below left) took a [link removed] "back of the house" tour at the Gaylord National Harbor convention center on September 26.
DC Labor to Labor Canvass (Ward 5): Sat, October 8, 9am - 2pm
The Stagehand Union - IATSE 22, 1810 Hamlin St NE, Washington, DC 20018, USA ([link removed] map)
[link removed] Info/sign-up here. photo below: BLET's Herb Harris at DC Labor to Labor Canvass with Elissa Silverman
NoVA Labor Car Show & Labor Walk: Sat, October 8, 8am - 2pm
7016 Infantry Ridge Rd, Manassas, VA 20109, USA ([link removed] map)
NoVA Labor is sponsoring a Car Show at the IBEW Local 26 hall, and this week's NoVA Labor's canvass will launch from Manassas for Congresswoman Wexton and Sonia Vasquez Luna. Contact: Bob Zabel 317-489-2501
Maryland Labor to Labor Walks: Sat, October 8, 9:30am - 2:00pm
[link removed] Info/RSVP here; Four locations: St Mary's County, Prince George's County, Baltimore City, Harford County.
ICYMI: Recent labor election coverage
[link removed] Lierman talks with labor about how to "Build A Better Maryland"
[link removed] DMV Union Voters Guide posted
[link removed] Labor Quote: Wes Moore
[link removed] Labor 2022: 1199 SEIU Maryland/DC
Labor Quote: Lech Walesa
"He who puts out his hand to stop the wheel of history will have his fingers crushed."
Polish Solidarity union founder Lech Walesa won the Nobel Peace Prize on this date in 1983.
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Socialist fairy tales. Last week's show: [link removed] Pueblo steelworkers' historic strike.
2,100 supermarket janitors in California, mostly from Mexico, win a $22.4 million settlement over unpaid overtime. Many said they worked 70 or more hours a week, often seven nights a week from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. Cleaner Jesus Lopez told the New York Times he only had three days off in five years - 2004
The UAW ends a three-week strike against Ford Motor Co. when the company agrees to a contract that includes more vacation days and better retirement and unemployment benefits - 1976
A strike by set decorators turns into a bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, Calif. (photo below) when scabs try to cross the picket line. The incident is still identified as "Hollywood Black Friday" and "The Battle of Burbank" - 1945
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !
[link removed] Secretary - Executive Office, APWU, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/29/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Art and Design Administrator, NATCA, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/28/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Communications Specialist, NNU, based in Oakland, CA or the Washington, DC area (Posted: 10/1/2022) California, District of Columbia
[link removed] One-Year Fellowship - Legal Department, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/28/2022)
[link removed] Associate General Counsel/Liaison to the U.S. Department of Labor Specialist for Constitutions, Election, and Internal Standards of Conduct, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/30/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Associate General Counsel, UMWA, based in Triangle, VA (in the Washington, DC metro area) (Posted: 9/30/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
[link removed] Legal Rights Attorney - General Counsel's Office, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (District 14) (Posted: 9/28/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Labor Relations Staff Attorney and/or a Senior Counsel for Labor Relations, NATCA, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 9/30/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] National Representative I-IV - Organization & Field Services Department, AFT, AFT National Representatives work throughout the country (Posted: 10/1/2022)
[link removed] Strategic Campaigner II, CJNRC, This is a REMOTE position (Posted: 9/29/2022)
[link removed] Major Gifts Coordinator, LCV, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/4/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Union Staff, NNU (Posted: 10/1/2022)
[link removed] Field Representative - Airports Division - Washington, DC; Maryland & Virginia, SEIU 32BJ, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/1/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
[link removed] Lead Field Representative, SEIU 32BJ, based in Washington, DC (covering DC, Maryland, and Virginia) (Posted: 10/1/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
[link removed] Field Representative / Internal Organizer, AFSCME Council 3, based in Baltimore, MD (Posted: 10/3/2022) Maryland
[link removed] Contract Administration Representative, SEIU 500, based in Gaithersburg, MD (Posted: 9/29/2022) Maryland
[link removed] New Organizer, CIR/SEIU, this position may based anywhere in the United States (Posted: 10/1/2022)
[link removed] Lead Organizer - Multiple Campaigns, Multiple Locations, SEIU 32BJ, based in Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; NJ, NY, and PA (Posted: 10/1/2022)
[link removed] Organizer - Multiple Campaigns / Multiple Locations, SEIU 32BJ, based in Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; NJ; NY; and PA (Posted: 10/1/2022)
[link removed] Senior Field Representative - Political, Electoral and Issues Mobilization Hub, AFL-CIO, based in the Northeast Region (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PR, RI, VT & WV) (Posted: 9/28/2022)
[link removed] Legislative Advocate, NNU, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/1/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Research Assistant - Research Department, AAUP, based in Washington, DC (option for telework) (Posted: 10/4/2022) District of Columbia
[link removed] Campaign Researcher, UNITE HERE, may be based in Sacramento, CA; New Haven, CT; Washington, DC; or Seattle, WA (Posted: 10/1/2022) California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Washington
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.
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