
Arizona voters should be very suspicious that the candidate who bribes people to stay silent about her racism – I’m talking about the Secretary of State who continues to bungle our elections, Katie Hobbs… – is unwilling to stand beside America First fighter Kari Lake and answer questions in a head-to-head matchup.

What is Hobbs hiding?!

Could it be her record of calling Trump supporters Nazis?

Her vote to track your car’s mileage so she can turn around and tax you for it? (Don’t let her California our Arizona!)

In any case, John, her unwillingness to even get on a debate stage and try to earn your vote is yet another reason why Hobbs is UNFIT to serve our great state.

So don’t let her hide behind her coastal elite donors. If you can, help us defeat the coward who won’t even get on a debate stage by rushing in support so our party can continue to back the historic candidacy of KARI LAKE instead!!!
Take a look:
The truth is, John, that Katie Hobbs knows she can’t defend herself.

Her candidacy is a toxic heap of Open Borders, defunding police, incompetence, corruption, and mismanagement. Not to mention the majority of her staff has quit due to Katie’s poor “leadership.”

And while she hides away in her bunker, voters are rallying behind our next Governor and getting ready for 🌵 KARI-ZONA!!! 🌵

Our party can provide the firewall needed to stop Hobbs. Join us in this movement. 

Thank you for not backing down,

Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona