There is one great and universal wish of mankind expressed in all religions, in all art and philosophy, and in all human life: the wish to pass beyond himself as he is now.
– Beatrice Hinkle
December 24, 2019 God's Way or Caesar's Way?
When God vested man with free will, He knew that when it came to charity, some people would choose to not help others in need. But that is the essence of freedom and free will — the right to say either yes or no when it comes to helping others. If God had forced people to make the right decision with respect ...
The Perils and Pitfalls of Political Paternalism
by Richard M. Ebeling
Across the spectrum of differing political views, whether “progressive,” “nationalist,” “populist,” or “conservative,” there is a common presumption...
How Would Jesus Fare in the American Police State?
by John W. Whitehead
Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. ...
The Libertarian Angle - Socialism in America, Part 5
by Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What ...
The Miracle of the Free Market
by Richard M. Ebeling
One of the great fallacies arrogantly believed in by those in political power is the notion that they can know enough to manage and ...