The unfortunate truth is that for the millions of Americans living without a government-issued ID, finding a safe place to sleep is simply not an option. IDs are necessary to apply for public benefits, shelters, food banks and, in states like Louisiana, they are also required to Vote.
The average cost for an ID and the documents needed to get one is around $40. This is a hefty price to pay when you are already struggling to figure out where to go or where your next meal is coming from.
Both national and local elections will determine who is shaping the policies that affect the unhoused. Not only are we helping to reduce a voting barrier by obtaining IDs, we are also distributing easy-to-read voter guides, transportation and support to eligible voters in jails across the country.
With just 89 days until the new year and a mere 34 days until the midterm elections, we don’t have a lot of time to spare! We are $36,925 away from meeting our fundraising goal. Please consider making a gift now and sharing our mission with your family, friends and colleagues.
Let’s not let this opportunity pass us by. Jump on the road to 10k with Spread The Vote + Project ID!