Are you registered to vote?
Registering to vote is quick, simple, and key to being a part of our government and decision-making processes.
With only 5 weeks until Election Day, check to see if you’re registered to vote at your current address at
Depending on your state, you may be able to vote before Election Day, which is Tuesday, November 8. This is true in my home state of Michigan, where people can vote between now and November 8.
In this election, you’ll be able to vote for local and statewide elected officials and measures, as well as for federal positions like candidates for Congress. Your voice is crucial, especially as we’re seeing the growth of a right-wing fascist movement that wants to destroy our democracy.
But the first step is registering to vote—or updating your registration if you’ve moved since you last voted.
Make sure you are registered and help your friends and family register—or update your voter registration at
Thank you for being an essential part of our democracy!
Always serving you,