From Liz Willen <[email protected]>
Subject Withholding college transcripts for loan payment is ‘abusive,’ federal agency says
Date October 4, 2022 6:00 PM
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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau releases ruling that deems the practice unlawful for direct-to-student loans

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Liz Willen Dear reader,

Once held up as a great equalizer in our fractured society, higher education now faces serious questions about its value and the hefty debt many students take on to pursue degrees. In our reporting, we’ve uncovered hidden ways that students are trapped in debt ([link removed]) , including the practice of for-profit colleges lending directly to students and later withholding transcripts and degrees from students to force them to pay.

Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced that it was putting an end to this practice, calling it “abusive” and a violation of federal law. Our story ([link removed]) on the CFPB announcement, along with our earlier reporting ([link removed]) on the unregulated world of direct loans to students, also appeared in The New York Times, one of our many partners. We’re proud of this work, and hope you will get in touch and let us know what you think.

We have many other higher education stories to share with you this week, including a look at eliminating grades ([link removed]) for college freshmen, lagging enrollment ([link removed]) for Black students at state flagship universities, and new questions about segregation ([link removed]) by college major. And on the early education through K-12 front, we take you inside a Tulsa, Oklahoma, study ([link removed]) that found lasting pre-K benefits, explain more about the agenda of Moms for Liberty, ([link removed]) dissect chronic absences post-pandemic
([link removed]) and explore why some students with disabilities are being sent home from school ([link removed]) in a practice known as informal removal.

I’m going to conclude with a plea. All of this work takes months of time, planning and coordination, and your support makes it possible. Please encourage others to sign up for our newsletters ([link removed]) and, if you can, become a member ([link removed]) or send a donation to The Hechinger Report. We cannot do this without help from our readers.

Liz Willen, Editor

Main Idea

** Withholding college transcripts for loan payment is ‘abusive,’ federal agency says ([link removed])
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau releases ruling that deems the practice unlawful for direct-to-student loans
Reading List

** Momentum builds for helping students adapt to college by nixing freshman grades ([link removed])
Critics deride ‘un-grading’ as coddling, say it risks creating ‘snowflake’ students

** Why aren’t flagship universities enrolling more of their own states’ Black students? ([link removed])
At the University of Georgia, the small percentage of Black students fails to reflect the number of Black high school graduates in the state.
[link removed] [link removed]

** Segregation by college major can lead to segregation future jobs ([link removed])
Colleges alone don’t cause occupational segregation, but they do little to combat it, a new study says

** Tulsa study offers more evidence of pre-K’s benefits into adulthood ([link removed])
Attending preschool has a strong impact on traits such as self-regulation, according to a long-running study

** How Moms for Liberty wants to reshape education this school year and beyond ([link removed])
After making a name for itself by railing against mask mandates and critical race theory, the conservative group is leading attacks on social emotional learning and restorative justice and trying to influence school board elections this fall

** PROOF POINTS: A third of public school children were chronically absent after classrooms re-opened, advocacy group says ([link removed])
Estimate indicates that millions of students will struggle to catch up

** When your disability gets you sent home from school ([link removed])
Students with disabilities are often met with off-the-books suspensions
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