Folks, do you know how many days there are until the end of the year?

I do:

(Seven — get it?)

You’ve heard me say it before, but here’s the truth: you don’t need ten fingers to know right from wrong.

Seven is more than enough to know it’s wrong for wealthy billionaires to spend so much money on our elections -- all so they can game our politics for their own gain.

And seven days is more than enough to close the gap on our most important FEC deadline of the year. We’re close and with enough grassroots power, nothing can stop us.

Donate $10 -- or whatever is meaningful to you -- before we close the books for 2019. Your donation could be the difference between starting 2020 in a powerful position to take on the GOP or playing catch up during the critical first months of the new year.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’m never going to forget where I came from or who I’m fighting for -- and I am so glad to have you on my team.

All my best,

— Jon